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OAuth App - Client Credentials Setup

In this guide we walk you through how to setup an API application using the client credentials workflow

Setting up an client credentials application

Client Credential

  1. Once you have logged in to the Criteo Partners Portal, create a new App by clicking on ➕ button in the My apps section

This will open a modal where you can select type of application.

Step 1. Create app

  1. App details

    1. Provide your app name and description. You can also provide an optional image to identify your application. In your App page you will be able to define the scope of your application and the OAuth parameters. Please see this page to see more details on how to define your app scope.
  2. Authentication method

    1. Select your app authentication method. You will have the option to select Client Credentials or Authorization Code. In this demo we will be selecting client credentials as a our authentication method, but make sure to review our OAuth App implementation guide to determine the best option that meets your organization needs.

    Step 2. App activation

  3. Service

    1. Select which Criteo service you want to use your API application with. Chose C-Growth for marketing solutions or C-Max for retail media

Step 3. Authorizations

  1. Domains
    1. Select the domains to choose which permission access your application will need

💡Note: At this point changing the name, description, image, or app scope will no longer be available

App Credentials

Create new key

To generate your client_id and client_secret click the "Create new key" button. This action will trigger a download of a text file with your API keys. Make sure to store the keys in a place where it can be retrieved at a later time.

Consent URL

Generate new URL

Once your API application has been setup, you will need to request consent from the advertiser or publisher to get access to their assets. You can generate as many URLs as you want; each URL can only be used once.

-Click Generate new URL. This will generate a fresh new consent URL every time this step is done

-Click the "Copy" icon to the right of the consent URL field

-Share this URL with an user access to the advertiser or publisher account. Users with admin, business manager and technical managers will have access to grant consent to API applications in retail media.