GuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog
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Version 2023.01 release notes

Version 2023.01 of the Criteo API is live as of January 27th, 2023. This version will be supported until January 30th, 2024.

What’s new

Deprecated version
You can now find a list of all out-of-support versions on the Versioning Strategy Page. As detailed in the policy, all endpoints will continue to function until a breaking change; then, they will be decommissioned at an endpoint level. Current endpoints that are out of support:

  • 2020-10
  • 2021-01
  • 2021-04
  • 2021-07
  • 2021-10
  • 2022-01

Product Set API - Preview
Three Audience Segment variables have been renamed in the Preview Version of the API.

The changes are:

  • Commerce → InMarket
  • Similar → Prospecting
  • PreBuilt → Behavioral