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Upcoming API Deprecations and Sunsets

Upcoming sunset of API version v2021.07 and expected breaking changes to Preview.

As part of the Criteo API policy, we release a new stable API version every three months, and as a result, older stable versions become deprecated. That is why each version is supported for 12 months after its initial release.

Therefore, we recommend migrating your application as soon as possible to avoid service interruption.

In part of this policy, we wanted to remind you of some upcoming API sunsets that are expected to take place within the next couple of months and provide you with the resources to help with these transitions.

We know that migration can take some time to complete, so we want to ensure that we can be here to help support you through these changes. So to give all of our API users additional time, we've decided to extend the sunset dates of these two API versions, as seen in the table below.

If you have an application using any of the versions below, please consider migrating to v2022-04.

VersionRelease dateDate support is expected by
2021-07July 21st, 2021September 1st, 2022
(date extended)
October 1st, 2020September 30th, 2022
(date extended)
2021-10October 19th, 2022December 14th, 2022



This version is only intended to preview upcoming releases of a new API version. We do not recommend using this version in production environments since it's not a stable version, and we can introduce breaking changes anytime. Please use our latest stable version for all production workflows to avoid the risk of service interruptions to your applications.

By September 30th, we expect to introduce some breaking changes. Therefore some endpoints may either become deprecated or present some errors when calling some endpoints.

Migrating to v2022.04 - Release notes from prior versions

Changes that were introduced since 2021.07

Addition / removal of items
Using PUT and DELETE methods to add or remove items is deprecated. Instead, dedicated /append and /delete endpoints have been added, which can be called using POST method.

Catalog filtering
It is now possible to restrict catalog requests to a particular brand(s) by indicating them in the brandIdFilter .
Affected endpoints is /2021-10/retail-media/accounts/{accountId}/catalogs
No other change was made to the request or response.

Changes that were introduced since 2021.10

🆕 New Capability to Pause or Unpause the Serving of an SKU

In this new version, we have introduced two new endpoints that allow to pause or unpause products belonging to a line item. The new endpoints also provide the option to apply a bid override. The new endpoints include

POST -{lineItemId}/products/pause
POST -{lineItemId}/products/unpause

📊 Updates Made to Report Field Names, and Metric Calculations

Metric Calculation Changes
We changed impression calculation for preferred deals and open auction campaigns. These changes in the API are now reflecting the same reporting logic for impressions used by reports within the Retail Media Platform.

For the following reports, the API will report impressions as follows:

  • For Preferred Deals campaigns - the sum of placement impressions
  • For Open Auction campaigns - the sum of product impressions

Summary Report
Metrics changed by impression calculation change:
- Campaign: CampaignCtr and CampaignFrequency
- Line Item: lineItemCtr and lineItemFrequency

pageType Report
Metrics changed by impression calculation change:
- Campaign: CampaignCtr
- Line Item: lineItemCtr

Keyword Report
Metrics changed by impression calculation change:
- Campaign: CampaignCtr and CampaignFrequency
- Line Item: lineItemCtr and lineItemFrequency

Report Field Names
In this version, we also updated some report field names. For example, in previous versions where the reports fields such as productCPC or productRoas, we renamed the latest version to simply CPC or ROAS.



Besides metrics that utilize impressions for calculations, no other report metric had its calculation logic modified.

Campaign Reports

ReportOld Field NameNew Field Name in v2022.04
Product- productClicks
- productImpressions
- productCtr
- productCpc
- productCpo
- productRoas
- clickSpend
- clicks
- impressions
- ctr
- cpc
- cpo
- roas
- spend
ProductCategory- productClicks
- productImpressions
- productCtr
- productCpc
- productCpo
- productRoas
- clickSpend
- clicks
- impressions
- ctr
- cpc
- cpo
- roas
- spend
Summary- campaignPlacementImpressions
- campaignCtr
- impressions
- ctr
Page Type- campaignCtr
- campaignFrequency
- campaignPlacementImpressions
- ctr
- frequency
- impressions
keyword- CampaignPlacementImpressions
- campaignCtr
- impressions
- ctr
attributedTransactionsNo ChangeNo Change

Line Item Reports

ReportOld Field NameNew Field Name in v2022.04
Product- productClicks
- productImpressions
- productCtr
- productCpc
- productCpo
- productRoas
- clickSpend
- clicks
- impressions
- ctr
- cpc
- cpo
- roas
- spend
ProductCategory- productClicks
- productImpressions
- productCtr
- productCpc
- productCpo
- productRoas
- clickSpend
- clicks
- impressions
- ctr
- cpc
- cpo
- roas
- spend
Summary- lineItemPlacementImpressions
- lineItemFrequency
- lineItemCtr
- impression
- frequency
- ctr
PageType- lineItemPlacementImpressions
- lineItemCtr
- impressions
keyword- lineItemPlacementImpressions
- lineItemCtr
- impressions
attributedTransactionsNo ChangesNo Changes