GuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog
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Announcing bulk calls and rate limits

We are pleased to announce today:

  • The release of the ability to bulk call for campaignIds and lineitemIds on our reporting endpoints,
  • The introduction of rate limits to maintain high stability of our Criteo Retail Media API.

Bulk Calls on Retail Media API

Effective today, we're releasing the ability for API users to request for several campaigns or line items!
This change applies to two endpoints that allow clients to request for reporting:

POST /reports/campaigns
POST /reports/line-items

By using this new capability, users will be able to retrieve reporting for several campaigns or line items, with a maximum of 50 ids in the same call.

Note that this is an additive change. As such, this release will not have any breaking impact on your current integration.

To learn more about this new feature, see the Bulk Calls section on the Criteo Developers portal.

Rate Limits on Retail Media API

Additionally, we wanted to use this occasion to announce that we will be enforcing rate limits on the Criteo Retail Media API starting September 20th, 2021.

Criteo Retail Media API enforces a rate limit which consists in a limitation on the number of requests you're able to perform on any API endpoint per minute.
This limitation is enforced to provide all of our API partners with the upmost stability towards our API infrastructure.

Rate limits are implemented at the app level, and allow for a maximum of 100 requests per minute (100 rpm).

HTTP Response

Exceeding the app limit of requests results in a 429 HTTP response, which will keep you from performing the action you're attempting. You can view the following information in the header:

x-ratelimit-limit = Number of requests your app can perform
x-ratelimit-remaining = Number of requests remaining. Resets to 100 every minute
x-ratelimit-reset = Timestamp

To learn more about this new capacity, see the Rate limits article on the Criteo Developers portal.