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Version 2021.04 release notes

Version 2021.04 of the Criteo API is live as of April 20th, 2021. This version will be supported until April 20th, 2022.

New features are also now available in the preview version of the API, including reports that give you more visibility into where your ads are appearing. You can access these features today here.

As a reminder, the preview version contains features that are not expected to change once they are released in the stable version of the API.

If you are still managing your MAPI migration, you can see which endpoints released in 2021-04 correspond to the ones in the Criteo API at the bottom of this update.

What’s new

In the preview version, there are new features to enhance how you manage your campaigns, along with three new reports that are now available for you to get more transparency and insights into where your ads are appearing.

Display multipliers allow you to refine how the Criteo AI Engine bids on specific product categories.

Campaign and ad set configuration lets you retrieve and update your campaigns and ad sets.

The Placement report gives you information on how your ad sets are performing by placement.

The Placement Category shows you the number of displays, clicks, and sales associated with a category linked to a publisher.

With the Log-Level report, you can get more visibility into publisher display and click data. This report gives you the context of where your ads are appearing, and in which environments.

Read below for more details on each.

Display multipliers

You can now retrieve and update your ad sets’ display multipliers through the API.

Display multipliers allow you to refine how the Criteo AI Engine bids on specific product categories. Setting values above 100% will result in more displays from a category. Setting values below 100% will result in fewer displays upon the selected category.

These can be applied to product categories that have been set up with the help of the Criteo team. Using display multipliers is not required as Criteo's AI Engine automatically optimizes categories to maximize performance.

Please note that manually changing the priority of these categories with display multipliers may affect your ad set's performance toward your targets, or its ability to spend your budget.

Campaign details

In 2021-01, you could retrieve information about your ad sets. Now you can use the API to retrieve and update details about your campaigns.

As a reminder, campaigns are focused on the objective you wish to achieve, such as conversions or web traffic. They contain one or multiple ad sets. Your ad sets include different settings within your campaign, such as audience details, scheduling, and bid strategy.

Learn more about the campaign, ad set, and ad structure here.

Placement report

With the Placement report, you can retrieve customized reports containing placement-level data. Surface insights that show how inventory is playing a role in your campaign delivery.

The Placement report can show you which sites and placements are meeting your advertising objectives. From there, you can identify which placements are the best-performing and target them in your campaigns using our Targeting API. You can use metrics and dimensions to analyze your placements down to the ad set level for deeper insights.

Look at your placements today or go back as far as three months ago for historical comparison.

Placement Category report

The Placement Category report shows you which categories linked to specific publishers are driving displays, clicks, and sales for your campaigns. For example, you can see whether that a website’s sports content is driving more results for you than its news content.

This information can help you improve the targeting in your future campaigns. The report identifies placements across 21 distinct categories of content. The categories are based on publisher content, not contextual signals.

Log-Level report

Using this report, you can go even deeper than the Placement report. Get access to log-level data and retrieve reports to review the placements where your ads appeared. This can give you more transparency into the nuts and bolts of your campaigns.

Use this report if you need to fine-tune your media planning and access analyze events. By having log-level data, you can conduct in-depth analysis and integrate it with your own custom reporting solution.

The Log-Level API includes:

  • The publisher domains where your ads are displayed
  • Timestamps of displayed ads or clicked ads
  • The price you are paying for each impression or for each click
  • Contextual information including user environment and device

Reports are available for up to 30 days. This report can help you to better understand where your ads are appearing at the campaign level and the associated costs.

This can then inform where your ads are most effective across both displays and clicks. This can help you to better optimize your campaigns.