Get performance statistics aggregated for seller campaigns.The campaign id, seller id, and
seller name appear in the first three columns of the output. These are followed by the interval
size column.
Aggregation can be done by hour
, day
, month
, or year
. The aggregation
interval size is controlled by intervalSize
. The remaining columns are metrics.
The metrics reported by this endpoint are
. | Metric Group | Description |
A | impressions | Number of times product is shown in a banner |
B | clicks | Number of clicks on product |
C | cost | Amount spent for clicks on products |
D | saleUnits | Number of products sold attributed to clicks |
E | revenue | Revenue generated by sales |
F | CR = Conversion Rate | salesUnits / clicks |
G | CPO = Cost Per Order | cost / salesUnits |
H | COS = Cost of Sale | cost / revenue |
I | ROAS = Return On Add Spend | revenue / cost |
The last six metrics can be computed in two ways depending on the policy to count only
the sales that result from clicks on the same sellers product in a banner
(same-seller) or not (any-seller). Reporting can be controlled by clickAttributionPolicy
The 9 (or 15) metric values appear in the output as the final 9 (or 15) columns.
The results can be filtered by date or count.
Filtering the results to events associated with a specific campaign is done by setting
the campaignId
filter parameter to the desired value.
Filtering the results to events associated with a specific seller is done by setting
the sellerId
filter parameter to the desired value.
Filtering the results to events
that happened in a time interval is done by setting the startDate
filter parameters using the yyyy-MM-DD
format. The start date
includes all events timestamped since the beginning of that day while the end
date includes events until the end of day. The maximum duration of the date
range is 1 year. If the aggregation interval is hour
, then the maximum
duration of the date range is 31 days. Note that month and year aggregate values
may contain partial data for the interval if filtering by date.
Filtering the results to a maximum number of data rows is done by setting the
filter parameter. When combined with startDate this can be used to perform
simple pagination.
Response Format
The representation format can be specified by MIME values in the Accept header.
For now the only supported values for the accept header is application/json
"columns": [
"campaignId", "sellerId", "sellerName", "month", "impressions", "clicks", "cost", "saleUnits", "revenue", "cr", "cpo", "cos", "roas"
"data": [
[168423, 1110222, "118883955", "2019-05-01", 14542, 48, 3.36, 0, 0.0, 0.0, null, null, 0.0],
[168423, 1110222, "118883955", "2019-06-01", 16619, 53, 3.71, 0, 0.0, 0.0, null, null, 0.0],
[168423, 1110225, "117980027", "2019-05-01", 12502, 48, 3.36, 0, 0.0, 0.0, null, null, 0.0],
[168423, 1110225, "117980027", "2019-06-01", 20266, 53, 3.71, 0, 0.0, 0.0, null, null, 0.0]
"rows": 4
The JSON result is an object with three fields (columns
, data
, and rows
). The
�columns� array acts as the header for the data rows. The categorical dimension
columns come first and include the campaign id, seller id, and seller name.
The interval column comes next and defines the aggregation period. The interval size is
determined by the intervalSize
parameter. This is followed by either nine or
fifteen metrics columns. The first three metrics (impressions, clicks, and cost)
always appear. The remaining depend on the clickAttributionPolicy
The �data� array contains data rows whose values match the entries in the
�columns� array. Id dimensions are numbers while name and date dimensions are strings. The metrics are JSON objects
whose type is number. Some of these are natural numbers (e.g. clicks and
impressions) whereas others are decimal values. A divide by zero yields null. The
currency is assumed to be the local currency established by the advertiser.
The �row� value is a count of the number of rows in the data array, and can be
used to check the integrity of the data.
Further information on the campaign or seller (e.g. the seller name) can be
obtained from the existing V1 or V2 endpoints using the campaign and/or seller
ID values.