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Partial Success for Bulk Operations


Some endpoints allow you to create or modify several entities with a single request. This type of request has a different response structure, and you must know how to read it accordingly to avoid unexpected scenarios.

HTTP Codes Status

A bulk call will always answer with the status for the main scope of the request and not for each operation. For example:

  • An error in authentication, authorization, deserialization, the answer will return a code 4xx
  • In any other scenario, the answer will return a code 200 regardless of the individual operations success or fail

Individual Error

Even when receiving a status code 200, it is important to check the existence and the content of the errors array in the response. Example:

    "data": [
        /* confirmation for all successful operations */
    "errors": [/* omitted if no error */
        ... /* list or operations that failed with the assigned error  */
    "warnings": [/* omitted if no error */
        ... /* list or operations that failed with the assigned error */