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Criteo's Campaign API allows you to retrieve information about the current configuration of your advertising Ad Sets.

This API allows you to create adSets, search for Ad Sets based on filters, start and stop Ad Sets, and update your Ad Sets' names, start and end dates, bid amounts, frequency capping, and other targeting controls.

Ad Set Example

The following is an example of the JSON data structure of an Ad Set.

Additional details about the individual attributes of Ad Sets can be found below.

    "type": "ReadAdSet",
    "id": "123467",
    "attributes": {
        "name": "Campaign A",
        "advertiserId": "12345",
        "objective": "conversions",
        "destinationEnvironment": "app",
        "mediaType": "Display",
        "datasetId": "6789",
        "campaignId": "1485",
        "schedule": {
            "startDate": "2018-07-04T00:00:00Z",
            "endDate": "2018-07-26T00:00:00Z",
            "activationStatus": "on",
            "deliveryStatus": "live"
        "bidding": {
            "bidAmount": 0.9,
            "costController": "CPC",
        "targeting": {
            "frequencyCapping": {
                "frequency": "hourly",
                "maximumImpressions": 3
            "geoLocation": {
                "countries": {"values": ["FR"], "operand": "in"},
                "subdivisions":  {"values": ["FR-01", "FR-38"], "operand": "notIn"},
                "zipCodes":  null
            "deliveryLimitations": {
                "devices": ["mobile", "tablet"],
                "operatingSystems": ["ios"],
                "environments": []
        "budget": {
            "budgetStrategy": "capped",
            "budgetRenewal": "daily",
            "budgetDeliverySmoothing": "accelerated",
            "budgetDeliveryWeek": "mondayToSunday",
            "budgetAmount": {"value": 123.45}

Ad Set Attributes

The Ad Set name, set by the advertiser.

Read-only. The environment that an ad click will lead a user to.

The intended optimization for the Ad Set. Can be customAction, clicks, conversions, displays, appPromotion, revenue, storeConversions, value, reach, visits or videoViews (only when mediaType is set to Video)

The type of media the ad set will deliver on. Can be Display or Video

Data Set Id associated with the specified advertiser ID. See Datasets for how to find datasets associated to advertisers.

Id of the marketing campaign associated to the ad set. See Search for Campaigns for how to search for campaigns.

Ad Set Schedule

ISO 8601 format. It must always be earlier than the schedule.endDate. It's a mandatory parameter of the Schedule object. This condition applies only if an endDate is defined.

ISO 8601 format. null by default. (null is a valid value.)

Can be on or off. off by default. Set by the advertiser, this represents the intent to deliver ads. See Start and Stop Ad Sets for how to change this value.

Can be draft, inactive, live, notLive, pausing, paused, scheduled, ended, notDelivering, or archived. The initial value for a newly created Ad Set is draft. This is a computed value and is read-only.


activationStatus vs deliveryStatus

deliveryStatus is a computed value. It is affected by factors other than the value of activationStatus, such as budget consumption, start date, and end date.

Ad Set Bidding

Decimal value target relating to the objective specified. May be null for strategies that do not require a target value.

How spend is controlled and optimized. Can be COS (Cost of Sale), CPC (Cost per Click), CPI (Cost per Install), CPM (Cost per Mille), CPO (Cost per Order), CPSV (Cost per Site Visit), CPV (Cost per View), or dailyBudget.

Ad Set Targeting

Integer value. The maximum impressions allowed for the specified frequencyCapping.frequency.

The period by which the maximum impression limit is calculated. Can be hourly, daily, lifetime, or advanced (for custom set-ups configured by Criteo). It is not possible to set the value to advanced.

Contains an array of values, two letter country codes, ISO-3166 format. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values.

Contains an array of values, geographical subdivisions following ISO-3166 format. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values.

Contains an array of values, zip codes. Also specifies an operand which can be in or notIn depending on the desired behavior for the values.


Geolocation Targeting

Geolocation settings do not support an empty array for their values. If a geolocation setting like geoLocation.countries is null, then the filter is inactive. Otherwise, the filter is active and must have a non-empty list for values.

List of device types that the Ad Set should target. Can contain desktop, tablet, mobile and other.

List of operating systems that the Ad Set should target. Can contain android, ios, and other.

List of display environments that the Ad Set should target. Can contain inApp and web.

Ad Set Budget

Whether budget is capped or not. Can be capped or uncapped. Currently read-only.

The cadence of budget reneweal. Can be daily, monthly, lifetime, or undefined. Currently read-only.

The pace at which budget can be spent. Can be accelerated or standard. Currently read-only.

The seven day period for budget delivery. Can be mondayToSunday, tuesdayToMonday, wednesdayToTuesday, thursdayToWednesday, fridayToThursday, saturdayToFriday, or sundayToSaturday. Currently read-only.

A decimal value showing the remaining budget value for Ad Sets with Capped budget strategies. For uncapped budgets, the value will be null.

Searching Ad Sets

Retrieving Ad Sets by Filtering

Ad Sets can be retrieved by specifying filters to apply to the set of all Ad Sets in your portfolio.

Current available filters are adSetIds (which allows you to specify a list of Ad Set IDs to retrieve), campaignIds (which allows you retrieve Ad Sets belonging to a list of Campaigns) and advertiserIds (which allows you retrieve Ad Sets belonging to a list of Advertisers).

For example, to retrieve two existing Ad Sets in your portfolio, filter by adSetIds:

    "filters": {
        "adSetIds": ["12345", "67890"] 

The API will return an array of Ad Sets that match the provided filters:

    "data": [
            "type": "ReadAdSet",
            "id": "12345",
            "attributes": { ... }
            "type": "ReadAdSet",
            "id": "67890",
            "attributes": { ... }
    "errors": []

The response above is truncated for clarity.

Note: the type field is the type of entity e.g. ReadAdSet and the id field is the unique id of the Adset

Retrieving All Ad Sets

When no filters are specified in the JSON payload, all Ad Sets in your portfolio will be returned, as in the example below:

    "filters": {}

Retrieving One Specific Ad Set

You can also fetch the details for a single Ad Set using a GET request:


The response data will be a single object containing the Ad Set details.

    "data": {
        "type": "ReadAdSet",
        "id": "12345",
        "attributes": { ... }
    "errors": []

Create an Ad Set

A new ad set can be created for a specific advertiser by making a POST call to the ad set endpoint. The request body should specify the type (Adset) and the ad set attributes.


The following attributes are required to create a new Ad Set: name, campaignId,objective, datasetId, targeting, budget, schedule, bidding

For example, the following call would create a new Ad Set targeting lookalike audiences:

  "data": {
    "type": "AdSet",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "API created Ad Set",
      "datasetId": "56789",
      "objective": "conversions",
      "campaignId": "12789",
      "mediaType": "Display",
      "schedule": {
        "startDate": "2018-07-04T00:00:00Z",
        "endDate": "2018-07-26T00:00:00Z"
      "bidding": {
        "bidamount": 0.9,
        "costcontroller": "CPC"
      "targeting": {
        "frequencyCapping": {
          "frequency": "daily",
          "maximumImpressions": 3
        "geoLocation": {
          "countries": {
            "values": [
            "operand": "In"
          "subdivisions": {
            "values": [
            "operand": "NotIn"
          "zipCodes": {
            "values": [],
            "operand": "NotIn"
        "deliveryLimitations": {
          "devices": [
          "operatingSystems": [
          "environments": []
      "budget": {
        "budgetStrategy": "Capped",
        "budgetRenewal": "Daily",
        "budgetDeliverySmoothing": "Accelerated",
        "budgetDeliveryWeek": "MondayToSunday",
        "budgetAmount": 123.5

The API will return an array of the ID and attributes of the new ad set. The ad set attributes include the name, data set ID, campaign ID, advertiser ID, destination environment, activation status, delivery status, bid strategy and cost controller.

  "data": {
    "type": "AdSet",
    "id": "987634",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "API created Ad Set",
      "objective": "conversions",
      "datasetId": "56789",
      "campaignId": "12789",
      "advertiserId": "456",
      "destinationEnvironment": "web",
      "schedule": {
        "activationStatus": "off",
        "deliveryStatus": "draft"
      "bidding": {
        "costController": "CPC"
  "errors": [ ],    /* omitted if no errors */
	"warnings": [ ]    /* omitted if no warnings*/

Ad Set General Info

At the creation, additional attributes are required:

Required. Click URL parameters. Query string syntax without "?" (eg. utm_source=criteo&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=mycampaign)


Ad Set Audiences

Newly created Ad Sets will not be linked to any audience.
To create an audience, refer to the Create an Audience guide.
You can link existing audiences following the steps in the Update Ad Set Audience guide.

Update Ad Sets

The fields of one or more Ad Sets can be updated by making a PATCH call to the Ad Sets endpoint. The payload should be an array of partial or whole Ad Sets, each specifying the fields to be modified.

For example, the following call would update the name, startDate, endDate, bidAmount and frequency capping settings of an existing Ad Set:

The bid amount value supports a maximum of 4 decimal digits. If more digits are provided, the amount will be rounded.

    "data": [
            "type": "PatchAdSet",
            "id": "12345",
            "attributes": {
              	"name": "Updated Ad Set Name",
                "scheduling": {
                    "startDate": { "value": "2021-01-19T10:18:28.632Z" },
                    "endDate": { "value": "2021-01-20T10:18:28.632Z" }
                "bidding": {
                    "bidAmount": { "value": 0.9 }
              	"frequencyCapping": {
                    "frequency": "hourly",
                    "maximumImpressions": 12

The API will return an array of Ad Sets that have been updated successfully in the response data. These will contain only two parameters, type and id.

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []


Ad Set Patch Limit

Note that there is a limit of 50 ad sets per single request. If you are updating more than 50 ad sets, please split them into chunks of 50 and make multiple requests.

Update AdSet Audience

Use this endpoint if you want to link an Audience to an AdSet. Both need to exist beforehand.


Link and Audience, not an Audience Segment

Audiences are made out of Audience Segments, and only Audiences can be linked to AdSets.

If you have created an Audience Segment and would like to link it to an existing AdSet, first include it within an Audience, and later use that Audience with this endpoint.

    "data": {
        "id": "1001",
        "type": "AdSetAudience",
        "attributes": {
            "audienceId": "9876"
    "data": {
        "id": "1001", 
        "type": "AdSetAudience",
        "attributes": {
            "audienceId": "9876"
    "errors": [
            "type": "validation",
            "code": "audience-not-found",
            "instance": "/ad-sets/1001/audience",
    "warnings": [	/* omitted if no warnings */

Start an Ad Set

One or more Ad Sets can be set to start delivery by making a POST call to the Start Ad Sets endpoint shown below. The payload should be an array of Ad Sets, specifying their type and id:

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "67890"

The API will return an array of Ad Sets representing those Ad Sets which were started successfully:

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "67890"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []

Stop an Ad Set

Similarly, one or more Ad Sets can be set to stop delivery by making a POST call to the Stop Ad Sets endpoint shown below. The payload should be an array of Ad Sets, specifying their type and id:

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"

The API will return an array of Ad Sets representing those Ad Sets which were stopped successfully:

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"
    "errors": [],
    "warnings": []

Partial Success / Partial Failure

Each Ad Set update is processed individually and can succeed or fail without impacting other updates in the same payload.

As a result, those Ad Set updates processed successfully will be returned in the data array of the response, while Ad Sets updates that have failed will return as an entry in the errors array of the response.


HTTP Response Codes

As a result of this individual processing, the API may respond with a 200 HTTP response code, but the result of its processing may have one or more failures.

For instance, for this payload which intends to update two Ad Sets:

    "data": [
            "type": "PatchAdSet",
            "id": "12345",
            "attributes": {
                "bidding": {
                    "bidAmount": { "value": 0.9 }
            "type": "PatchAdSet",
            "id": "67890",
            "attributes": {
                "bidding": {
                    "bidAmount": { "value": -2 }

The response might look like:

    "data": [
            "type": "AdSetId",
            "id": "12345"
    "errors": [
            "traceIdentifier": "56ed4096-f96a-4944-8881-05468efe0ec9",
            "type": "validation",
            "code": "campaign--ad-set-update-check--invalid-bid-amount",
            "instance": "@data/1",
            "title": "Invalid bid amount",
            "detail": "The bid amount value is invalid: either it's an adaptative cost controller and it must be null, or it's not the valid interval of values."
    "warnings": []


Error instance

The instance field for validation errors will specify the index of the related update, beginning with index 0. For the example above, @data/1 refers to the second requested update in the request's data array.

A full list of error codes can be found in the next section.

Validation Errors and Warnings

In addition to general API errors , you may encounter validation errors when updating an Ad Set or attempting to start and stop delivery.

Below is a list of error codes for Ad Set validation and a more detailed description of their meaning.

Ad Set Creation Validation Errors:
The Ad Set has invalid configuration or is missing required information.

The geolocation is invalid.

The configurations of Operating Systems and Environment are invalid.

The start date must be before the end date.

The end date must be after the start date.

The bid amount value is invalid: either it's an adaptive cost controller and it must be null, or it's not the valid interval of values.

The frequency capping configuration is not valid.

The data set ID is invalid or not associated to your account. See Datasets for how to find ad sets associated to your account.

The Ad Set has invalid audience or audience with missing parameters. See Create an Ad Set for how to configure Ad Set Audience.

The Ad Set has no audience configured. See Create an Ad Set for how to configure Ad Set Audience.

The Ad Set has multiple audiences configured. Only one audience can be configured per Ad Set. See Create an Ad Set for how to configure Ad Set Audience.

The Ad set has invalid audience ID(s). To create this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team for assistance.

The Ad Set is configured with an invalid spend strategy. To create this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team for assistance.

The bidding configuration is not valid with the selected MediaType.

Ad Set Update Validation Errors:
The geolocation is invalid.

This Ad Set is archived and thus can't be started.

The configurations of Operating Systems and Environment are invalid.

This Ad Set is currently activated. Your change would impact negatively its eligibility to be active, so it has been prevented.

An Ad Set cannot have an empty name.

It's impossible to set an empty start date (though some old Ad Sets could have a null start date).

The start date must be before the end date.

The end date must be after the start date.

The bid amount value is invalid: either it's an adaptive cost controller and it must be null, or it's not the valid interval of values.

The frequency capping configuration is not valid.

There are too many ad sets to be updated. A maximum of 50 ad sets can be updated per single request

Ad Set Start and Stop Validation Errors:
This Ad Set is archived and thus can't be started.

This Ad Set cannot be started because you reached the limit on the number of simultaneoulsy activated Ad Sets.

This Ad Set has some advanced settings and can't be launched directly through the platform. To launch this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team.

This Ad Set is configured with a creative A/B test and can't be launched directly through the platform. To launch this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team.

This Ad Set is configured with an A/B test and can't be launched directly through the platform. To launch this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team.

This Ad Set is configured with Optimize Revenue. It needs to be switched to Optimize conversions for at least 2 weeks. To edit and launch this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team.

We noticed incorrect information in your billing details or payment information. Please get in touch with our support team to update your details.

There's no payment & billing information attached to this account. Go to payments & billing to add your information.

Your Ad Set can't be launched because data sharing isn't activated on your account. Please contact your Criteo representative to activate this feature.

There's no payment method attached to this account. Go to payments & billing to add your payment details.

There are some unpaid invoices. Go to payments & billing to remit your payments as soon as possible or add a new payment method. If the issue persists, get in touch with our support team.

You need to accept our Terms & Conditions to launch this Ad Set. To do so, get in touch with our support team.

This Ad Set won't run until you add budget to it. Go to Budgets to increase your budget.

This Ad Set needs at least one ad placement to get started. Go to Creatives to edit your ad placements.

We advise you to check your transaction tags in Events Tracking before launching your Ad Set.

As you're not using the auto-import feature, we need to resync your catalog to build dynamic ads. Go to Product catalog to start syncing.

This Ad Set needs at least one ad to get started. Go to Creatives to add one.

You didn't specify any cost controller (bid or target KPI) amount for this Ad Set. Add a value for your bid or your target. If the error persists, get in touch with our support team.

Extensive targeting is enabled on your Ad Set. Reaching too many people could lead to bad performance results. Go to your Ad Set settings to narrow your targeting, by restricting the geolocation to 1 or 2 countries for example. If the error persists, get in touch with our support team.

The audience of your Ad Set is too broad. Check its configuration or get in touch with your account strategist for assistance.

Your Ad Set is missing some required information. Please get in touch with our support team.

Your Ad Set is missing some required information. Please get in touch with our support team.

Parallel click tracking is not configured correctly.

Your Ad Set is missing an attribution URL.

Your CRP Ad Set should not employ budget smoothing.

This Ad Set has an invalid configuration or missing parameters. To launch this Ad Set, get in touch with our support team for assistance.

This Ad Set is not linked to an audience. Check the section Update Ad Set Audience.