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Transaction IDs

Retrieving Transaction Data at the Advertiser Level

The transaction ID report allows all advertisers to retrieve the same level of information that is available in Criteo's Marketing UI. These reports include the ability to report on transactions within a given time period, transactions associated with select or all advertisers in your portfolio, or specific transaction ID's.

Transaction ID reports are available at the following endpoint:

Below is an example of the body for the POST call:

  "data": [{
    "attributes": {
      "advertiserIds": "22, 4949",
      "startDate": "2020-11-04",
      "endDate": "2020-11-04",
      "format": "json",
      "timezone": "Asia/Tokyo",
      "currency": "JPY",
      "eventType": "click"

The following fields are required: startDate, endDate, timezone, and currency. One or more advertiserIds can be requested. If none are specified, all advertisers in your portfolio will be included in the report.

The POST call will generate a report based on the format specified in the request. If not specified, the default report format is a CSV.

  "data": [{
    "attributes": {
      "advertiserId": "22",
      "transactionId": "20203090520694",
      "transactionDate": "11/04/2020 08:19:07",
      "adsetName": "crm-conversion-fil-rouge-famille",
      "advertiserName": "laredoute",
      "eventType": "click",
      "eventDate": "11/01/2020 22:42:29",
      "attributedTransaction": "True",
      "currency": "JPY",
      "amount": "15193.4412",
      "crossDeviceTransaction": "No"

The following metrics and dimensions will be returned in the report:

AdvertiserIdIDID of the advertiser
TransactionIdIDID of the transaction
TransactionDateDateTimeDate of the transaction
AdsetNamestringName of the adset
AdvertiserNamestringName of the advertiser
EventTypestringType of event associated to the transactions (click or display)
EventDateDateTimeDate of the event
AttributedTransactionbooleanTransaction attributed to the click or display or not
CurrencystringTransaction currency
AmountdoubleTransaction amount
CrossDeviceTransactionstringX-device or same device transaction