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The Product-Level endpoint provides transparency on the top 200 products your ads are being displayed on and provides visibility into the number of displays, clicks, and sales that have occurred.


If a user clicks on a banner but buys a product other than the one they clicked on, the click is still attributed to the product shown in the ad. The sale, however, is attributed to the sold product. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are displaying the wrong product: some products can help you catch the attention of prospective customers. Those ads drive customers to your website, where they browse and buy different items

Making a call

The product-Level report is available at the following endpoint:


Required Attributes

There are 4 required attributes when making a call. For additional fields, see the Attributes table below.


  "data": {
    "type": "TopProductsReport",
    "attributes": {
      "startDate": "2022-01-01",
      "endDate": "2022-01-02",
      "advertiserId": "1111",
      "rankProductsBy": "displays",
      "metrics": [
      "dimensions": [
      "campaignIds": ["123", "456"],
      "adSetIds": ["456", "789"],
      "categoryIds": ["6666", "7777"],
      "brands": ["brandName1"],
      "adSetStatus": ["Active", "NotRunning"],
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "currency": "USD"

The report generated from the POST returns the top 200 products according to the query in the format of a JSON document.

  "data": [
      "type": "TopProductsReport",
      "attributes": {
        "rows": [
            "campaignId": "456",
            "campaign": "MyCampaign",
            "adSetId": "789",
            "adSet": "MyAdset",
            "productId": "1a2b3c",
            "product": "productName1",
            "productUrl": "",
            "brand": "brandName1",
            "currency": "USD",
            "displays": "123456",
            "clicks": "456",
            "ctr": "12.34",
            "visits": "123",
            "sales": "12",
            "cost": "789",
            "revenue": "1456"
            "campaignId": "456",
            "campaign": "MyCampaign",
            "adSetId": "789",
            "adSet": "MyAdset",
            "productId": "1a2b3c",
            "product": "productName2",
            "productUrl": "",
            "brand": "brandName1",
            "currency": "USD",
            "displays": "234567",
            "clicks": "678",
            "ctr": "23.45",
            "visits": "234",
            "sales": "23",
            "cost": "678",
            "revenue": "2356"


FieldTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
startDateDateTimeYesStart of the report in YYYY-MM-DD format
endDateDateTimeYesEnd of the report in YYYY-MM-DD format
rankProductsBystringYesMetric on which the top 200 products are computed
advertiserIdstringYesId of the advertiser

(rankProductsBy is always added to the provided metrics if not already present)
List of metrics to retrieve
dimensionsstring[]No["productId", "product", "productUrl"]

("productId", "product", "productUrl" are always added to the provided dimensions if not already present)
List of dimensions to retrieve
limitintegerNo200The maximum number of top products returned.
Should be between 1 and 200
campaignIdsstring[]NoReport only on the specified (marketing) campaigns Ids
adSetIdsstring[]NoReport only on the specified adSet Ids
brandsstring[]NoReport only on the specified brands
categoryIdsstring[]NoReport only on the specified categories ids
adSetStatusstring[]NoReport only on the specified adSetStatus
timezonestringNoUTCTimezone used for dates
currencystringNoEURCurrency used for amounts


displaysstringThe number of displays
clicksstringThe number of clicks
ctrstringClick Through Rate
visitsstringThe number of visits
salesstringThe number of completed transactions or purchases (Post Click 30 days)
revenuestringRevenue (quantity x price)


advertiserIdstringId of the advertiser
advertiserstringName of the advertiser
campaignIdstringId of the (marketing) campaign
campaignstringName of the (marketing) campaign
adSetIdstringId of the ad set
adSetstringName of the ad set
productIdstringId of the product
productstringName of the product
productUrlstringURL of the product
brandstringBrand of the product
categoryIdstringId of the category
categorystringName of the Category