Audience Performance
Asynchronous-only Endpoint
Please note that this endpoint is only available asynchronously. After calling this endpoint, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the Async Reports guide to retrieve the data.
The Audience Performance endpoint affords the opportunity to obtain performance data related to your target audience. The presentation of the data can be customized to include the desired metrics and dimensions for analysis.
This enhances the understanding of your various Criteo audiences and facilitates the integration of audience data with other sources.
Creating a Report Request
Access to the Audience Performance report can be obtained through the designated endpoint:
A sample representation of the POST request body is provided below:
"data": {
"type": "AudiencePerformanceReport",
"attributes": {
"startDate": "2022-01-01",
"endDate": "2022-01-02",
"dimensions": "Top30BrandsByDisplays",
"metrics": ["Clicks", "Displays", "Revenue"],
"advertiserId": "1111",
"currency": "EUR",
"timezone": "UTC+1",
"audiencesNames": ["myAudience1", "myAudience2"],
"segmentsNames": ["mySegment1", "mySegment2"],
"adSetIds": ["789", "456"]
When making a call, five attributes are mandatory: startDate, endDate, dimensions, metrics and advertiserId.
The result of the POST call will be presented in the form of a JSON document. The following is a sample response:
"data": {
"type": "MarketingSolutionsReportStatus",
"attributes": {
"status": "pending",
"message": null
Get Output of a Specific Report
- After making the report request, it is necessary to follow the Asynchronous Reporting Workflow to obtain the report's output. Please refer to the following steps in the Async Reports guide.
Value | Description |
ExposedUsers | From the overall potential audience for your ads, the number of people that were served one. |
Visits | Number of people that performed an action on your website or app within the hour following their click on one of your ads. |
Displays | The number of times your ads were shown on people’s screens. |
Clicks | The number of times your ads were clicked on. |
Sales | The number of sales on your website or app driven by your ads. |
Revenue | The amount of money generated by online sales. |
CostPerVisit | Cost Per Visit, or the amount of money spent to get one visit on your website or app. |
Value | Description |
Top30BrandsByDisplays | List of the Top 30 Brands by Displays |
Top30BrandsByClicks | List of the Top 30 Brands by Clicks |
Top30BrandsBySales | List of the Top 30 Brands by Sales |
Top30InterestsByDisplays | List of the Top 30 Interests by Displays |
Top30InterestsByClicks | List of the Top 30 Interests by Clicks |
Top30InterestsBySales | List of the Top 30 Interests by Sales |
AdvertiserId | Id of the client |
Advertiser | Name of the client |
Field | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
timezone | string | No | UTC | Timezone used for dates |
startDate | DateTime | Yes | Start of the report in YY-MM-DD format | |
segmentsIds | string[] | No | Report only on the specified segments ids | |
metrics | string[] | Yes | List of metrics to retrieve | |
endDate | DateTime | Yes | End of the report in YY-MM-DD format | |
dimension | string | Yes | Dimension to retrieve | |
currency | string | No | EUR | Currency used for money related metrics |
audiencesIds | string[] | No | Report only on the specified audiences ids | |
advertiserId | string | Yes | Id of the advertiser | |
adSetIds | string[] | No | Report only on the specified adSet ids |
Updated 2 months ago