Open Auction Campaigns
An Open Auction campaign runs the first-price auction on a cost-per-click (CPC) model. Advertisers can choose the bid they’re willing to pay every time a shopper engages with their ad and take part in the inventory auction to win the placement.
💡 Things to Know
A campaign represents a marketing objective and contains line items
Campaigns may hold line items across multiple brands and retailers
Campaigns have optional budgeting and attribution window controls
Budgets may additionally be controlled at the line item level
Several reports are available to measure campaign performance
Accounts are limited to 100,000 active campaigns
Currently, only Open Auction campaigns are supported through the API
Quick Start
Select products to promote from your account catalog
Create a campaign
Create a line item
Add products to promote onto the line item
Assign the campaign to an account balance
Activate your line item!
Updated 11 months ago