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Metrics and Dimensions

Report Metrics

Most metrics are available for every report types with the exception of certain metrics that are only available at one report level or for certain report types. The table below breaks the the report level and report types where each metrics is found.

MetricReport LevelReport TypesDescription
impressionsCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType
keyword, product category, product, served category, environment
Campaign Report Types
Measured when an ad creative renders on a page; an ad creative may display products from one or more campaigns; each unique campaign is counted once; used in all report types except for Product and Product Category reports

Line-Item Report Types
Measured when an ad creative renders on a page; an ad creative may display products from one or more line items; each unique line item is counted once; used in all report types except for Product and Product Category reports

Product, Product Category and Served Category Report Types
Measured when a promoted product is rendered on the page, whether as a single ad creative or as one of many products in an ad creative; each product is counted once separately

💡 More Info: Product & Placement Impression Help Center article
clicksCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentMeasured when an ad creative is clicked on, which incurs a cost to the advertiser for open auction campaigns
spendCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentFor open auctions campaigns, the total cost of clicks for the advertiser, inclusive of platform fees
attributedSalesCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product-category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentA sale that was a direct result of your marketing campaign (in accordance with your attribution rules). Also, a measure of the conversions of your campaign.

Formula: Sum of all Sales

Important: Sales are deduplicated between off-site and on-site, however the Criteo API will only report on on-site campaigns only. A sale can only be attributed to one line item across all campaigns.
attributedUnitsCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentUnits sold attributed to a click or impression. Attributed units are exclusive of.assistedUnits meaning assisted units are not counted in the attribution.

Example: If a shopper purchases one order of two products, the number of Attributed Units is two.
attributedOrdersCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, environmentOrders or buy transactions attributed to a click or an impression (can vary based on your attribution settings)

Example: If a shopper purchases one order of two products, the number of Attributed Orders is one.
ctrCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentThe percentage of shoppers who clicked an ad rendered on a page.

Product and Product Category Report Types
Formula: clicks / productImpressions

All other report types
Formula: clicks / placementImpressions

💡 Note: there are two types of impressions that can be measured to know the success of your ads: placementImpressions and productImpressions. Preferred deals have placement impressions, while open auction uses product impressions. For more info: Product & Placement Impression Help Center article
cpcCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentThe average cost you are paying per click. Available for On-site Sponsored Products campaigns only. Value is inclusive of platform fees.

Formula: spend / clicks
roasCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentA measurement of the revenue you will receive for every unit of currency you spend on ads. ROAS can vary based on your attribution settings. This metric is inclusive of platform fees.

Formula: attributedSales / spend
cpoCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, productThe amount spent on advertising that resulted in a purchase order from a shopper.

Formula: spend / attributedOrders

Example: If you spend $100 on advertising and you have 5 orders placed, the CPO would be $20 ($100/5)
assistedSalesCampaigns Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentSales revenue attributed to a click or impression of all the ads that appeared on a page within the chosen attribution window (specified at the campaign level) but were not determined to be the attributedSales (the last ad before the customer purchased).

💡 More Info: Demand Side Metrics Help Center article
assistedUnitsCampaign Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentThe number of events that occurred that helped generated a sale. Assisted units are excluded from attributedUnits. This means its not counted in the attributed units calculation.
uniqueVisitorsCampaign, Line-itemsummary, environmentThe number of distinct shoppers exposed to an ad within the reporting period. Each shopper is counted once using the retailer cookie ID.

Criteo uses retailer cookie IDs to identify users across sessions on the same device. Each ID can last up to a year, provided the user does not clear their cookies.

💡 More Info: Demand Side Metrics Help Center article
frequencyCampaign, Line-itemsummary, environmentAn average representing how often an impression has been shown to the same user

Report Dimensions

  • Available dimensions vary by report type

  • The Attributed Transactions report is documented separately below

DimensionReport LevelReport TypesDescription
dateCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served category, environmentThe date of when events occurred for the requested line-item or campaign report. If there are no results to show for the requested dates, the API will return no results.

Note: Dates are reflected based on the API call requested time zone. Dates are also reported at either the campaign level or line-item level.
hourCampaign, Line-itemMulti-dimension reporting only. Use the dimensions []array to retrieve data.The hour of when events occurred for the requested line-item or campaign report. If there are no results to show for the requested dates, the API will return no results.
campaignIdCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentThe campaign ID of the requested report
campaignNameCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentThe Campaign name of the request report
campaignTypeNameCampaign, Line-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentThe type of of campaign. Available options are Open Auction or Preferred Deals

Note: Offsite is not yet available through the API
lineItemIdLine-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentLine item ID of the requested report
lineItemNameLine-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served category, environmentLine item name of the requested report
retailerIdLine-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, served categoryRetailer ID of the retailer of the line item served on
retailerNameLine-itemsummary, pageType, keyword, product category, product, attributedTransactions, served categoryRetailer name of the retailer the line item served on
pageTypeNameCampaign, Line-itempageType, attributedTransactionsType of retailer web page an ad creative rendered on. Current page types include home, category, productDetail, confirmation, checkout, merchandising, deals, and search.
environmentCampaign, Line-itemenvironmentType of environment an ad creative rendered on, such as web, mobile, and app
keywordCampaign, Line-itemkeywordKeyword or phrase used to land on the search page where an ad creative rendered. This is the normalized keyword submitted by the advertisers. Criteo also refers this as the stemmed search term
searchTermCampaign, Line-itemMulti-dimension reporting only. Use the dimensions []array to retrieve data.Searched keyword or phrase used by the shopper on a retailer's website.
advProductCategoryCampaign, Line-itemproduct category, product, attributedTransactions, served categoryCategory of the product advertised.

Note: Served category reports will be specific to the retailer while all other category report types will have standardized categories across brands and retailers.
advProductIdCampaign, Line-itemproduct, attributedTransactionsAdvertised product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs
advProductNameCampaign, Line-itemproduct, attributedTransactionsAdvertised product name
brandIdCampaign, Line-itemproductAdvertised product brand ID
brandNameCampaign, Line-itemproductAdvertised product brand name; names are standardized across retailers

Attributed Transactions Report Dimensions & Metrics

  • Note this report contains historical data, so you can always determine how each sale was attributed according to the data and rules enforced at the time.

  • Keep this in mind when comparing data against other reports - properties such as advProductCategory could drift as product categories may evolve.

  • All columns are available for both the campaign and line-item levels


Help Center Article

For more details on attribution check out our Help Center articles

  1. Attribution 101
  2. Campaign Attribution Settings
Column NameColumn TypeDescriptionExample
advDateDimensionThe date the ad was delivered 10/21/2022
advHourDimensionThe hour the ad was delivered 16
purchasedDateDimensionThe date the attributed product was purchased2022
purchasedHourDimensionThe hour the attributed product was purchased10/21/2022
daysDifferenceDimensionThe difference in hours divided by 24. The metric will display the number of days between when the ad was served and the attributed purchase occurred.

Example: an 11pm ad leading to a 1 am sale the next day would have a 0 day difference
campaignIdDimensionCampaign ID of the requested report1234567890
campaignNameDimensionCampaign name of the request reportFall Promotional Sale
lineItemIdDimensionLine item ID of the requested report10987654321
lineItemNameDimensionLine item name of the requested reportFall Sale - Camping Gear
retailerNameDimensionRetailer name of the retailer the line item served onCamping Shop
pageTypeNameDimensionRetailer page type where the ad was served. Page types include:
home, search, productDetail, category, confirmation, checkout, merchandising, deals
keywordDimensionKeyword or phrase used to land on the search page where an ad creative was rendered
advProductIdDimensionAdvertised product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs426456
advProductNameDimensionAdvertised product nameCamping Jacket, W small
advProductCategoryDimensionCategory of product advertised; categories are standardized across brands and retailers, which may differ from retailer-specific categoriescamping > clothing > women
advProductGtinDimensionAdvertised product Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), if available; also known as European Article Number (EAN) or Universal Product Code (UPC)
advProductMpnDimensionAdvertised product Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), if available
purchasedProductIdDimensionPurchased product ID; this references the same ID used in Catalogs426456
purchasedProductNameDimensionPurchased product name
purchasedProductCategoryDimensionCategory of product purchased; categories are standardized across brands and retailers, which may differ from retailer-specific categoriesCamping Jacket, W small
purchasedProductGtinDimensionPurchased product Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), if available; also known as European Article Number (EAN) or Universal Product Code (UPC)
purchasedProductMpnDimensionPurchased product Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), if available
advEngagementDimensionType of ad engagement the purchase was attributed to.

Available options are:
imp for impression or click for clicks
advToPurchasedProductRelationshipDimensionAttribution rule used to match the impression or click to a sale.

Available options are:
same sku, same parent sku, same taxonomy, same brand, same seller
same sku
salesChannelDimensionSales channel the attributed purchase was made through.

Available options are:
online for sales attributed to an ad that was served and purchased online or in-app

offline for sales to an ad that was served online but purchase in store.

Note: Offline sales are available for certain retailers only. See more Sales Channels details in our help center. Offline sales data is only available through our analytics api.
attributionWindowDimensionLookback click and view attribution window of the requested report. The attribution window is based on the parameters selected in the report API request. See Get Started

Post-Click (C) lookback window
7, 14, 30 days

Post-view (V) lookback window
0, 1, 7, 14, 30 days

Example: A C14V07 means that the click attribution (C) window was 14 days and view (V) attribution window was 7 days.

Note: that the Post-View lookback window cannot be greater than the Post-Click lookback window.
attributedSalesMetricSales revenue attributed to a click or impression8.68
attributedUnitsMetricUnits sold attributed to a click or impression1