GuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog
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List of Endpoints

This section contains all the latest API endpoints that have been released in preview, and that may be available in the next stable API version.

This new version includes both Onsite Sponsored Products (CPC campaigns) and Preferred Deals (CPM campaigns) Ads.

Synchronous Endpoints

  • All campaign operations except for Catalogs are achieved through synchronous endpoints

Asynchronous Endpoints

  • Catalogs and Reports are requested & retrieved through asynchronous endpoints

List of Endpoints (Including Preferred Deals)


GET/accountsLists all Accounts associated with your API credentials


GET/accounts/{accountId}/brandsLists all Brands associated with the Account


GET/accounts/{accountId}/retailersLists all Retailers associated with the Account


GET/accounts/{accountId}/creativesLists all Creatives associated with the Account
POST/assetsUpload creative asset image file
GET/{retailer-id}/templatesGet a list of available creative templates for a specified retailer
POST/{account-id}/creativesCreate a new account creative
GET/{account-id}/creatives/{creative-id}Get account creative by creative id
PUT/{account-id}/creatives/{creative-id}Update an existing creative
GET/line-items/{line-item-id}/product-buttons/{product-button-id}Get a single Product SKU collection (product button)
PUT/line-items/{line-item-id}/product-buttons/{product-button-id}Update a Product SKU collection (product button)
DELETE/line-items/{line-item-id}/product-buttons/{product-button-id}Delete a Product SKU collection (Product Button)
GET/line-items/{line-item-id}/product-buttonsGet all the Product SKU collection (product buttons) associated with a line item
POST/line-items/{line-item-id}/product-buttons/createCreate a new Product SKU collections (product buttons) on a line item


GET/retailers/{retailerId}/pagesList all Pages associated with the Retailer


GET/accounts/{accountId}/audiencesLists all Audiences associated with the Account
POST/accounts/{accountId}/audiencesCreates a new Audience within the Account


POST/accounts/{accountId}/catalogsRequests the Catalog associated with the Account
GET/catalogs/{catalogId}/statusRetrieves the status of the requested Catalog
GET/catalogs/{catalogId}/outputRetrieves the output of a Catalog


GET/categories/{categoryId}Search for categories based on category ID
GET/categories?retailerId={retailerId}&?textSubstring={textSubstring}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}Search for retailer categories and filter down by a specific category name


GET/accounts/{accountId}/balancesLists all Balances on the Account
POST/balances/{balanceId}/campaigns/appendAdds one or more Campaigns to the Balance
POST/balances/{balanceId}/campaigns/deleteRemoves one or more Campaigns from the Balance
GET/balances/{balanceId}/campaignsLists all Campaigns on the Balance


GET/accounts/{accountId}/campaignsLists all Campaigns within the Account
POST/accounts/{accountId}/campaignsCreates a new Campaign within the Account
GET/campaigns/{campaignId}Retrieves a single Campaign
PUT/campaigns/{campaignId}Updates a single Campaign

Line items (Generic)

GET/accounts/{accountId}/line-itemsLists all Line items associated with the Account
GET/line-items/{lineItemId}Retrieves a single Line item

Promoted Products (Generic)

POST/line-items/{lineItemId}/products/appendAdds one or more Products to the Line Item
POST/line-items/{lineItemId}/products/deleteRemoves one or more Products from the Line Item
GET/line-items/{lineItemId}/productsLists all Products on the Line Item


GET/line-items/{LineItemId}/keywordsRetrieve a set of positive and negative keywords for a line item
POSTline-items/{LineItemId}/keywords/add-removeAdd or remove keywords from a line item
POST/line-items/{LineItemId}/keywords/set-bidAdd or remove keywords from a line item.

Line items (Open Auction)

GET /auction-line-items/{lineItemId}Retrieves a single Open Auction Line item
PUT /auction-line-items/{lineItemId}Updates a single Open Auction Line item
GET /campaigns/{campaignId}/auction-line-itemsRetrieves all Open Auction line items for a single Campaign
POST /campaigns/{campaignId}/auction-line-itemsCreates an Open Auction Line item within a single Campaign
GET/line-items/{lineItemId}/bid-multipliersReturns all bid multipliers for valid page types of the specified line item.
PUT/line-items/{lineItemId}/bid-multipliersReplaces all existing bid multipliers with the provided bid multipliers or the default value (1.0).

Note: A PUT operation with an empty attributes object will reset all values to their default.

Negated keywords (Open Auction)

GET/auction-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/keywordsGet All Negated Keywords on a specific Line Item
POST/auction-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/keywords/append Add Negated Keywords to a Specific Line Item
POST/auction-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/keywords/deleteRemove Negated Keywords from a Specific Line Item

Line items (Preferred Deals)

GET/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}Retrieves a single Preferred Deal Line item
PUT/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}Updates a single Preferred Deal Line item
GET/campaigns/{campaignId}/preferred-line-itemsRetrieves all Preferred Deals line items for a single Campaign
POST/campaigns/{campaignId}/preferred-line-itemsCreates a Preferred Deals Line item within a single Campaign

Store targeting (Preferred Deals)

GET/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/storesRetrieves all targeted Stores for a single Preferred Deals Line item
PUT/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/storesUpdate all targeted Stores for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/stores/appendAdd targeted Stores for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/stores/deleteRemove targeted Stores for a single Preferred Deals Line item

Added-to-basket targeting (Preferred Deals)

GET/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/add-to-basketRetrieves all targeted added-to-basket SKU IDs and Categories for a single Preferred Deals Line item
PUT/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/add-to-basketUpdate all targeted added-to-basket SKU IDs and Categories for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/add-to-basket/appendAdd targeted added-to-basket SKU IDs and Categories for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/add-to-basket/deleteRemove targeted added-to-basket SKU IDs and Categories for a single Preferred Deals Line item

Audience targeting (Preferred Deals)

GET/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/audiencesRetrieves all targeted Audiences for a single Preferred Deals Line item
PUT/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/audiencesUpdate all targeted Audiences for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/audiences/appendAdd targeted Audiences for a single Preferred Deals Line item
POST/preferred-line-items/{lineItemId}/targeting/audiences/deleteRemove targeted Audiences for a single Preferred Deals Line item

Analytics Endpoints

  • Reports are requested & retrieved through asynchronous endpoints
POST/reports/campaignsRequests a Campaign Report
POST/reports/line-itemsRequests a Line Item Report
GET/reports/{reportId}/statusRetrieves the status of the requested Report
GET/reports/{reportId}/outputRetrieves the output of the report