Advertisers API Endpoint
Criteo's Advertisers API allows you to retrieve information about all of the campaigns linked to a specific advertiser such as the name of your campaign, the type of campaign, the status of your campaign and the current bid of your campaign.
Additionally you can see the different categories associated with your campaign or advertiser.
Campaign API Endpoint
Criteo's Campaign API allows you to retrieve information about the current configuration of your advertising campaigns.
Available information includes the name of your campaign, the budget associated with your campaign, the current status of your campaign, the advertiser entity it is associated with and the current bid target of your campaign.
You can also adjust bid targets for your campaigns or for specific product categories associated with your campaigns.
Budget API Endpoint
Criteo's Budget API allows you to retrieve budgets in your portfolio by Advertiser IDs and / or Budget IDs. This data can also be filtered by campaign status, by showing budgets only for active campaigns.
If an advertiser or a budget is requested but is missing from your (the current user's) portfolio, it will not be included in the list. If neither the budget IDs nor the advertiser IDs are provided, then all the accounts in the portfolio of the user will be returned.
Updated about 4 years ago