Validation Errors
In addition to general API errors, you may encounter validation errors when managing Criteo Offsite Ads.
Below is a list of error codes for Creatives validation and a more detailed description of their meaning.
COA Validation Errors
An operation was attempted involving an advertiser you are not authorized to access, or involving an invalid advertiser ID you provided.
When attempting to create new sellers, the provided partner ID was invalid.
An operation was attempted involving a seller you are not authorized to access, or involving an invalid seller ID you provided.
An attempt was made to get or update a budget you are not authorized to access, or involving an invalid budget ID you provided.
An operation was attempted involving a campaign you are not authorized to access, or involving an invalid campaign ID you provided.
An attempt was made to get or update a seller campaign you are not authorized to access, or involving an invalid campaign ID or seller ID you provided.
It is not allowed to update a seller campaign enrolled in target budget.
An attempt was made to create new budgets with incompatible budget amounts and budget types.
An operation was attempted involving an invalid bid value.
An attempt was made to create or update budgets with invalid dates.
An attempt was made to create or update budgets with invalid end dates.
An attempt was made to generate a preview of an ad with a height inferior to the minimum allowed height.
An attempt was made to generate a preview of an ad with a width inferior to the minimum allowed width.
An attempt was made to create new sellers with unspecified names.
An attempt was made to create new sellers with invalid emails.
An attempt was made to create or update budgets not associated with any campaign.
An attempt was made to create or update budgets without providing any budgets or without providing any sellers
An attempt was made to update seller campaigns without providing a user context. As all authenticated API calls normally generate a user context, this error should not occur due to any user error.
Updated about 3 years ago