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Migration guide for MAPI users


New authentication required

Criteo API requires to use credentials issued through Developer Dashboard. Please see this Authentication guide for more information.


This article is intended for account owners and application owners to serve as a guidance for migrating MAPI connector to Criteo API connector. Article lists actions required to perform successful migration and has an overview of the equivalent Criteo API endpoints. This will help you migrate before the MAPI deprecation by June 2021.


  • Account owners - anyone with administrative ownership rights over Criteo account.

  • Application owners - team or organization who owns and maintains the code.

If account owner and application owner is the same entity then organization name in the developer portal should be set the same as advertiser name.


  • Application owners should complete the on-boarding in our new Developer Portal as indicated in the on-boarding checklist.

  • As per-instructions, once you generate the consent URL share the URL by email, Slack or any other means with the account owner - Advertiser, Brand or Publisher.

  • Application owners and account owners should get familiar with the versioning policy document. Versioning policy ensures adherence to industry standard of software development in regards to controlling feature upgrades and deprecations.


Once account owner (e.g Account Administrator) receives and clicks on the consent link, they will be redirected to the Criteo Consent Portal where they can provide you the requested authorization levels for the accounts in their portfolio.

Endpoints parity

Below, you can see the Criteo API's equivalent for your MAPI endpoints. The column "Versioning" indicates whether the endpoint complies to versioning policy or not. In other words, whether the endpoint will evolve (marked as "Y") or stay the same (marked as "N") from the perspective of adding new features. This document will be kept up-to-date and serve as a quick reference during the migration.

TypeMAPICriteo APIDescriptionVersioning policy

ReportType: CampaignPerformance

This endpoint contain breaking changes. Please follow the migration instructions here.
Retrieve advertiser performances reports.Y

ReportType: TransactionID

This endpoint contain breaking changes. Please follow the migration instructions here.
Retrieve advertiser performances reports.Y
GET/v1/portfolio/legacy/marketing/v1/portfolioRetrieve your AudienceID(s)N
GET/v1/advertisers/{advertiserId}/campaigns/legacy/marketing/v1/advertisers/{advertiserId}/campaignsRetrieve your campaign(s) and categories for a specific advertiserN
GET/v1/advertiser/{advertiserID}/categories/legacy/marketing/v1/advertiser/{advertiserID}/categoriesRetrieve your campaign(s) and categories for a specific advertiserN
GET/v1/advertiser/{advertiserID}/categories/{categoryHashCode}/legacy/marketing/v1/advertiser/{advertiserID}/categories/{categoryHashCode}Retrieve specific categories for a specific advertiserN
GET/v1/audiences/legacy/marketing/v1/audiencesImport the list of audiencesN
POST/v1/audiences/userlist//legacy/marketing/v1/audiences/userlist/Create an audienceN
PUT/v1/audiences/{audienceId}/legacy/marketing/v1/audiences/{audienceId}Change an audience metadataN
PATCH/v1/audiences/userlist/{audienceId}/legacy/marketing/v1/audiences/userlist/{audienceId}Add/Remove users to an audienceN
DELETE/v1/audiences/userlist/{audienceId}/users/legacy/marketing/v1/audiences/userlist/{audienceId}/usersRemove all users from an audienceN
DELETE/v1/audiences/{audienceId}/legacy/marketing/v1/audiences/{audienceId}Delete an audienceN
GET/v1/budgets/legacy/marketing/v1/budgetsRetrieve budget(s) for your portfolioN
GET/v1/campaigns//legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/Retrieve campaign(s) for your portfolioN
GET/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}/legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}Retrieve your campaign and categories for a specific campaignN
GET/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}/categories/legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}/categoriesRetrieve your campaign and categories for a specific campaignN
GET/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}/categories/{categoryHashCode}/legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/{campaignId}/categories/{categoryHashCode}Retrieve specific campaign categories of your portfolioN
GET/v1/campaigns/bids/legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/bidsRetrieve your bid(s) for your portfolioN
PUT/v1/campaigns/bids/legacy/marketing/v1/campaigns/bidsSet new bid values to your campaign or campaign categoriesN
GET/v1/categories/legacy/marketing/v1/categoriesRetrieve categories for your portfolioN
PUT/v1/categories/legacy/marketing/v1/categoriesEnabled or disabled categoriesN
POST/marketing/oauth2/token/oauth2/tokenAuthentication endpoint. Note, expire_in parameter has been increased from 300 to 900 thus allowing bearer token to live longer than previously. In addition, Criteo API authentication endpoint strictly adheres to OAuth standard. This means that invalid headers, json header with form body will be rejected.Not applicable