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[Campaigns] Get Campaign Categories

Retrieve Categories Across All Campaigns{categoryHashCodes}

You might want to retrieve a particular category's bid levels for all the campaigns with which it is associated:

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

The API will return an array of instances of this category. The categoryHashCode will be the same in all instances. The campaignId and the categoryBid will differ:

    categoryHashCode: 9876543,
    categoryName: 'cat-one',
    catalogId: 76543,
    catalogName: 'full-inventory',
    advertiserId: 1,
    advertiserName: 'Advertiser US',
    campaignId: 1234,
    campaignName: 'Web Conversion - Retargeting',
    averagePrice: 250.22,
    numberOfProducts: 151,
    categoryBid: { bidValue: 1.1, bidCurrency: 'USD', bidType: 'CPC' },
    enabled: true
    categoryHashCode: 9876543,
    categoryName: 'cat-one',
    catalogId: 76543,
    catalogName: 'full-inventory',
    advertiserId: 1,
    advertiserName: 'Advertiser US',
    campaignId: 5678,
    campaignName: 'Web Consideration - Similar Audience',
    averagePrice: 250.22,
    numberOfProducts: 151,
    categoryBid: { bidValue: 0.7, bidCurrency: 'USD', bidType: 'CPC' },
    enabled: true