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Revenue Report

Supply Side Revenue Report (v2)

The revenue report serves as a vital tool for supply account owners, such as retailers, enabling them to grasp the origins of their retail media revenue. It offers comprehensive visibility across all advertisers, media platforms, and sales channels, encompassing direct, indirect, and private market avenues.

This report delves into crucial aspects, including generated revenue, delivered impressions, clicks, average rates, and overall performance metrics. Through this API only, supply partners gain the ability to construct detailed reports by accessing a myriad of metrics and dimensions, empowering them with actionable insights to optimize their strategies effectively.


The report generation uses an asynchronous endpoint that is used to receive the report creation request (using a POST request); then, using the report id generated, it's possible to check the report status and download the output results using the following GET endpoint requests.

POST/retail-media/reports/revenueRequest a retailer revenue report creation
GET/reports/{reportId}/statusGet status of a specific report
GET/reports/{reportId}/outputDownload output of a specific report


AttributeData TypeDescription
idstringSupply Account ID to pull results for

Note: for apps with access to multiple supply accounts, it is also possible to use an ids array for multiple IDs, allowing to pull results across multiple accounts. e.g.

Accepted values: int64
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
reportTypeenumReport types are pre-packaged reports that allow the specification of the report breakdown. They enable reports to view revenue distribution by advertiser, brand, environment, page category, and page type. The metrics and dimensions in these report types are limited.
Use the metrics and dimensions arrays to build your report for additional fields.
Note: when metrics and dimensions are used, the report type is ignored.

Accepted values: advertiser, brand, environment, productCategory, pageType
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
revenueTypeenumThe revenue type used to filter report results.
If the revenue type filter is not specified, the report will return all existing revenue data for sponsored products and preferred deals within the specified timeframe.

Accepted values: auction, preferred
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
soldByenumThe sales channel of indirect sold, direct sold, or private market. This is an optional filter that can be used to narrow down results.

Accepted values: directSold, indirectSold, privateMarket
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
buyTypeenumThe campaign buying strategy. This optional filter can be used to filter down results

Accepted values: auction, preferredDeals, sponsorship
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
skuRelationsenumThe attributed rule used to match an impression/click to a sale.
The filter will narrow down results of the attributed rules set by the advertiser at the campaign level.

Accepted values: sameSku, sameParentSku, sameCategory, sameBrand, sameSeller
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
formatenumThe format type the report should return results

Accepted values: json, json-compact, json-newline, csv
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
campaignTypeenumThe campaign type to filter results

Accepted values: sponsoredProducts, onSiteDisplays
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
salesChannelenumThe sales channel where attributed sales originated

Accepted values: online, offline
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
advertiserTypeslistThe advertiser type where campaigns originated from

Accepted values: retailer, brand, seller
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
clickAttributionWindowenumThe post-click attribution window, defined as the maximum number of days considered between a click and a conversion for attribution; conversions are attributed to the date of conversion, not the date of click.
Defaults to campaign settings if omitted; must be specified if viewAttributionWindow is one of the accepted values.

Accepted values: none, 7D, 14D, 30D
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
viewAttributionWindowenumThe post-view attribution window, defined as the maximum number of days considered between an impression and a conversion for attribution; conversions are attributed to the date of conversion, not the date of impression.
Defaults to campaign settings if omitted; must be less than or equal to clickAttributionWindow; must be specified if clickAttributionWindow is one of the accepted values.

Accepted values: none, 1D, 7D, 14D, 30D
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
dimensionslistAn array of strings used to define which dimensions to see in the report

Accepted values: refer to Metrics and Dimensions for the complete list of supported dimensions
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
metricslistAn array of strings used to define which metrics to see in the report

Accepted values: refer to Metrics and Dimensions for the complete list of supported metrics
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y
startDatetimestampStart date of the report (inclusive)

Accepted values: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss(in ISO-8601 )
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
endDatetimestampEnd date of the report (inclusive)

Accepted values: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss(in ISO-8601 )
Writeable? N / Nullable? N
timezonestringTime zone to consider in the metrics calculation,startDate and endDate

Accepted values: IANA (TZ database) time zones (example: America/New_York, Europe/Paris, Asia/Tokyo, UTC)
Writeable? N / Nullable? Y


Metrics and Dimensions

For a complete list of all supported metrics and dimension, check out the Metrics and Dimensions

Generate Revenue Report{version}/retail-media/reports/revenue

Sample Request

curl -L '{version}/retail-media/reports/revenue' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-d '{
  "data": {
        "type": "SSPRevenueReport",
        "attributes": {
          "id": "203209148566716416",
          "revenueType": "auction",
          "soldBy": "directSold",
          "buyType": "auction",
          "skuRelations": [
          "format": "json",
          "campaignType": "sponsoredProducts",
          "salesChannel": "online",
          "clickAttributionWindow": "7D",
          "viewAttributionWindow": "1D",
          "dimensions": [
          "metrics": [
          "startDate": "2024-04-10T21:14:53.816Z",
          "endDate": "2024-04-10T21:14:53.816Z",
          "timezone": "UTC"

Sample Response

    "data": {
        "type": "RetailMediaReportStatus",
        "id": "22fa642d-ab8a-463c-a2f6-fb174c2f72dd",
        "attributes": {
            "status": "pending",
            "rowCount": null,
            "fileSizeBytes": null,
            "md5Checksum": null,
            "createdAt": null,
            "expiresAt": null,
            "message": null

Get status of specific report{version}/retail-media/reports/{reportId}/status

Sample Request

curl -L '{version}/retail-media/reports/22fa642d-ab8a-463c-a2f6-fb174c2f72dd/status' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Sample Response

    "data": {
        "type": "RetailMediaReportStatus",
        "id": "22fa642d-ab8a-463c-a2f6-fb174c2f72dd",
        "attributes": {
            "status": "success",
            "rowCount": 2,
            "fileSizeBytes": 341,
            "md5Checksum": "f43cf2503a31a100f7b81db3c14d3fae",
            "createdAt": "2023-07-10T16:00:32.000Z",
            "expiresAt": "2023-07-17T16:00:32.000Z",
            "message": null

Download Output of a Specific Report{version}/retail-media/reports/{reportId}/output

Sample Request

curl -X GET "{version}/retail-media/reports/2e733b8c-9983-4237-aab9-17a42f426xx/output" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>"

Sample Responses

Report broken down by advertiser by JSON format

        "date": "2024-04-10",
        "hour": 15,
        "accountName": "Account A",
        "campaignName": "CampaignABC",
        "placementName": "viewSearchResult",
        "activityType": "imp",
        "advProductId": "14364409",
        "advProductName": "360 Deluxe (PC/Mac) - 5 Devices",
        "taxonomy1Name": "computers & tablets",
        "taxonomy2Name": "software",
        "taxonomy3Name": "antivirus, security & utility software",
        "numberOfCampaigns": 1,
        "numberOfSkus": 1,
        "clicks": 0,
        "units": 1,
        "ctr": null,
        "cr": null,
        "workingMedia": 0,
        "netRevenue": 0
        "date": "2024-04-10",
        "hour": 11,
        "accountName": "Account A",
        "campaignName": "CampaignXYZ",
        "placementName": "viewSearchResult",
        "activityType": "click",
        "advProductId": "15325425",
        "advProductName": "Mini On-Ear Bluetooth Kids Headphones - Pink",
        "taxonomy1Name": "audio",
        "taxonomy2Name": "headphones",
        "taxonomy3Name": "over-ear headphones",
        "numberOfCampaigns": 1,
        "numberOfSkus": 1,
        "clicks": 0,
        "units": 1,
        "ctr": null,
        "cr": null,
        "workingMedia": 0,
        "netRevenue": 0
        "date": "2024-04-10",
        "hour": 10,
        "accountName": "Account B",
        "campaignName": "CampaignDEF",
        "placementName": "viewItem_API",
        "activityType": "imp",
        "advProductId": "17701444",
        "advProductName": "City Pro Electric Scooter",
        "taxonomy1Name": "sports, recreation & transportation",
        "taxonomy2Name": "electric transportation",
        "taxonomy3Name": "electric scooters",
        "numberOfCampaigns": 1,
        "numberOfSkus": 1,
        "clicks": 0,
        "units": 1,
        "ctr": null,
        "cr": null,
        "workingMedia": 0,
        "netRevenue": 0


🔵 200Call executed with success
🔴 400Common Validation Errors

- endDate cannot be more than 100 days from startDate - Using a date range with more than 100 days apart
- reportType invalid - calling an unsupported report type will throw a 400 error
- timeZone must be a valid timezone - using a time zone value that is not listed in the list tz database time zones
- format invalid - using an unsupported file format