GuidesAPI ReferenceChangelog
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API Pattern

Base URL<version>/retail-media/{endpoint}

Synchronous Endpoints

All campaign operations except for Catalogs are achieved through synchronous endpoints. Those will return a response in real-time.

Create an entityPOST/{plural-parent-entity-name}/{parentEntityId}/{plural-entity-name}
Delete from a listPOST/{plural-parent-entity-name}/{parentEntityId}/{plural-entity-name}/delete
Append to a listPOST/{plural-parent-entity-name}/{parentEntityId}/{plural-entity-name}/append
Get all entitiesGET/{plural-parent-entity-name}/{parentEntityId}/{plural-entity-name}
Get a specific entityGET/{plural-entity-name}/{entityId}
Update a specific entityPUT/{plural-entity-name}/{entityId}


  • "Create" operations using the POST method expect every Required (R) field; omitting Optional (O) fields will set those fields to Default values.
  • "Update" operations using the PUT method expect every Write (W) field; omitting these fields is equivalent to setting them to null, if possible.

Asynchronous Endpoints

"Catalogs" and "Reports" are requested and retrieved through asynchronous endpoints. Those will send a response once the request is done processing (not in real-time).

Create a resource requestPOST/{plural-parent-entity-name}/{parentEntityId}/{plural-entity-name}
Retrieve the status of the requested resourceGET/{plural-entity-name}/{entityId}/status
Retrieve the output of the requested resourceGET/{plural-entity-name}/{entityId}/output

Bulk calls


Please refer to this page for more information about Bulk Calls.

Error Codes

When sending more than 50 IDs, you will get the following 400 Bad request HTTP Response:

    "errors": [
            "code": "exceeded-ids-cap",
            "title": "Requests are capped for 50 unique ids, 51 were provided",
            "type": "validation",
            "traceId": "aa47dd83-8ca9-4a79-a179-ad5be6932ff1",
            "instance": "/api/v1/reports/line-item",
            "detail": "ids Requests are capped for 50 unique ids, 51 were provided (Value: \"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51\")",
            "source": {
                "ids": "data/attributes/ids"

This Contains:

  • Error code: exceeded-ids-cap

  • Error title: Requests are capped for 50 unique ids, {count of ids requested} were provided

  • Error Type: validation

  • A traceId: aa47dd83-8ca9-4a79-a179-ad5be6932ff1

  • Instance: the report requested (here /api/v1/reports/line-item)

  • Detail: Title with a list of requested IDs

  • Source: The parameter that caused the error (IDs in this case)