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Digital Shelf Talker

Specifications for the Digital Shelf Talker Ad format


Digital Shelf Talker is a responsive vertical display banner with a still image and a redirect link.

Points to remember:

  • Available within the grid.

Redirects to 1 URL:

  • On desktop via Branding Zone and call-to-action button,
  • On mobile via Branding Zone.

For desktop

Asset sizes

  • Background imageis 310x500px with fixed safe zone of 180x320px
  • Background image smallis 270x390px with fixed safe zone 180x190px

Please note that only one of these size will be used once it is chosen.

Background `310x500px`

Background 310x500px

Background `270x390px`

Background 270x390px

Technical specifications

The branding zone size is equal to the size of one product tile.

  • The redirection link (URL) is mandatory. The entire image will be clickable. It's possible to have the redirection happen on the same page (_Self_) or in a new tab (_Blank_, not applicable for App). A redirection button (call to action) can be added as well.

Call-to-action specifications

  • Button size: 150x30px
  • Button font: Roboto Regular, 12px
  • The gap between the options area and the bottom of the branding zone is fixed to 7px
  • There is a safe zone at the top of the format. This area should remain visible for every breakpoint.
  • If the branding zone is smaller than the background image, then the image should be cropped on both sides uniformly and/or at the bottom.
  • If the branding zone is bigger than the background image, the extra available space is filled with a plain colored background (CSS).
Branding zone behavior on grid tiles larger and smaller than background image.

Branding zone behavior on grid tiles larger and smaller than background image.

For mobile

Asset size

  • Background image is 1242x300px

Technical specifications

  • The entire format should be clickable
  • The creative width is equal to 100% of the parent div and scales in proportion. When the width reduces, the height reduces as well. The background image should never be cropped.
Example: Placement width = `360px`

Branding zone will dynamically resize to `360x87px`, maintaining background image original aspect ratio.

Example: Placement width = 360px

Branding zone will dynamically resize to 360x87px, maintaining background image original aspect ratio.

Response keys

desktop_background_imageURL of Background image file for desktop
desktop_background_image_alt_textAlternative text for desktop background image
mobile_background_imageURL of Background image file for mobile
mobile_background_image_alt_textAlternative text for mobile background image
background_colorBackground color hexa code of the creative tile
redirect_urlWeb URL that the user should be redirected to
redirect_url_appApp deeplink that the user should be redirected to
redirect_targetRedirection target, can have the following values:

- _blank: redirects to a new tab
- _self: redirects in the same tab
(only applicable for web)
footer_textButton text
(not applicable for mobile version)
footer_text_colorButton text color
(not applicable for mobile version)
footer_background_colorButton background color
(not applicable for mobile version)

Sample response

    "status": "OK",
    "placements": [{
        "viewSearchResult_API_desktop-inGrid": [{
            "format": "ST",
            "products": [],
            "rendering": {
                "desktop_background_image": "//crtormassetmguseprod.blob.core.windows.net/creativeassets-live/try44gf6h46tyu4yj46gfh64fg6h4rt46r78t8rfb4cdf178378c.jpg",
                "desktop_background_image_alt_text": "//crtormassetmguseprod.blob.core.windows.net/creativeassets-live/try44gf6h46tyu4yj46gfh64fg6h4rt46r78t8rfb4cdf178378c.jpg",
                "mobile_background_image": "//crtormassetmguseprod.blob.core.windows.net/creativeassets-live/try44gf6h46tyu4yj46gfh64fg6h4rt46r78t8rfb4cdf178378c.jpg",
                "mobile_background_image_alt_text": "//crtormassetmguseprod.blob.core.windows.net/creativeassets-live/try44gf6h46tyu4yj46gfh64fg6h4rt46r78t8rfb4cdf178378c.jpg",
                "background_color": "#ffff00",
                "redirect_url": "https://www.criteo.us/p/salade-batavia-3000001ffgghjhg040194",
                "redirect_url_app": "app redirect",
                "redirect_target": "_self",
                "footer_text": "click here",
                "footer_text_color": "#FFFFFF",
                "footer_background_color": "#2A3279",
            "OnLoadBeacon": "//b.us5.us5.us.criteo.com/rm?rm_e=gU6UTFHZRX8h%2bLm%2fgfardqYNcwv1OkAlS4Ip1Go8pZDMgtJ9b6J28QWdhsC2nAZTzLCJmI3i486hJaSNb8JMQcCSlgYxB4OSIhR%2bzYBx9jpKqNjHfVQcNiNKp8NNaSTu3BnA23%2fpeljDGSOjBFZEddfotGA1NP%2bVCC8JJMGfgh2n1uJxTdGoTrkriygDOy0iz7qAwf7sj%2bctHKVa2suRSe2ZRLawkZfztW231Vcw3xn0FTPeKbhdhjYGBzNKs%2fkUbP7Q0bLzX0s4WqAqMzV1IppHg%3d%3d&ev=2",
            "OnViewBeacon": "//b.us.criteo.com/rm?rm_e=qK9HLTImiTHdD5zv6c%2fcyCgOlBfgaplqmu0CkokA1jIrovi4qrVG%2bibqys%2b8SojsJTKuZ28LCqGFUlSdX0013z8m%2frmJhXcnM2bq0V4DSDewNZWUmVGudiBAY8mrK9CB0f0DjKkrhy7tDGmjSiJJgTqLzxIOYAoCQaj664x%2fZVdfgh4RsNU%2fcgtoYMcAI%2fDmZrmoxbPhzH8EFx%2bkm2My4dfHd9MFyuTmDhGLpM3FAhsqdDVD1bKwNJH49PXo2iGztiD&ev=2",
            "OnClickBeacon": "//b.us5.us.criteo.com/rm?rm_e=rjTAB7fXC6J7S%2f8%2bT2IIaMHIMdg9LvCYDHSuka%2bOdx2dEzgUby%2f9fJGwebUZgEoQa2Ecm6RqVonJcN52%2fiwK87d5HxbrfghxGLpGXueXg5ioxvfsm9%2bZ9JHfmCa7zu8QgVRk7Qtq1Kb28gX2%2fup3jaCCckAjMxxgplInlqBxUZ7LRXmqYr8HUrKsTZoYlxmt9s56OaHXEW9YvGeQpou%2fsJjilzmjXb7AJOrndW5ch0TX4G2zZ4qaJyKPuBgl4t1CjHH&ev=2",
            "OnBundleBasketChangeBeacon": "//b.us5.us.criteo.com/rm?rm_e=yVma5fEYR2%2baGTU2mFoD1qSImhAifgUXBh4kE5yCe2a%2fiMcLRlrG%2bA1DuZZlyVFolE%2bBYhimashpJaYNhmBEhbLLSbPIcm35fghNjyhlND50SEwwUwMFYfY58Qmnec3wOjPp%2bwfdH7GDA6fnCP6Yg8N%2flhIlc1bwhNle%2bboNzAfTWEKgv8dM3m%2bYvV5TbXB0W8GHbINKwMwY6nzhU2uKklutTRQTPoxj4kGFfK70Oyx23rd6j3r2864Pl3TLsB6QD1Y&ev=2"