Product feed parameters
You will find on this page a comprehensive list of fields that can be sent in your product feed.
Recommended fields are not mandatory, but will streamline your campaign management, help improve performance, and/or enhance your shoppers’ experience.
Below is the list of parameters, along with their descriptions and statuses (required or recommended), for Retail Media Offsite and Retail Media Onsite, organized by the following categories:
- Basic Product Data
- Price and Availability
- Product Category
- Product Identifiers
- Product Detailed Description
- Marketplaces
- Additional Attributes
Please note that the Product dataset parameters are largely similar to those of the product feed presented on this page; however, the spelling of some parameters may differ (e.g.,
in the feed corresponds toimageLink
in the Product Importer). You can find the full list of Product dataset parameters on this page.
Basic product data
Parameter Name | OnSite | OffSite | Description |
id | Required | Required | Definition: The ID is a unique product identifier that represents only one product. If a group of products are multiple variants of the same product, each variant should have a unique ID. Specifications: - Must be unique and consistent; changes to product IDs will break attribution and reporting. - Cannot match item_group_id .- Must match with the data shared in OneTag/API calls. - Quotation marks, non-ASCII characters, and the hyphen symbol (-) are not supported. - Will default to lowercase in our ad response if using alphanumeric IDs. - Limit: 50 - Type: String - Sample Value: 25c48 |
title | Required | Required | Definition: The title is the product’s name, typically as it is displayed on the product’s detail page.This will be used as the main text descriptor in the banners for a given product.Specifications: - Must start with a letter or number. - Limit: 500 - Type: String - Sample Value: Working Boots – Size 7.5 |
description | Required | Required | Definition: The description is a short piece of text that gives more information about a product in addition to its name. Because of the design of the banners, shorter descriptions (under 50 characters) are more likely to fit in Criteo’s formats and layouts, however, not all formats and layouts will have a description.Specifications: - The description must start with a letter or number. Remove all HTML tags from this field, including style, embed, object, and anchor tags. - Limit: 5000 - Type: String - Sample Value: "Excellent for daily use" |
link | Required | Required | Definition:The link is the dedicated detail page for the product and is usually unique to a given product. The product information on this URL should match the corresponding information provided in your catalog.Specifications: - The link must start with the protocol (http:// or https://) followed by the full URL of the product detail page.- All symbols must be encoded. For example, “$” must be replaced with “%24”. - Limit: 2000 characters , including CAT prefix + encoded URL.- Type: String .- Sample Value: |
image_link | Required | Required | Definition: Link to an image of the SKU Specifications: - Limit: 2000 characters .- Size: Recommended: minimum 800x800 pixels and weight under 16MB.- Supported formats: PNG , JPEG , or GIF .- Example: |
brand | Required Blank values in this field will prevent the SKU from being added to campaigns. | Recommended | Definition: Brand of the product Specifications: - Must be consistently set across products: changes to brand values will break campaign attribution and reporting. - Maximum of 70 characters .- Must start with either a letter or number. - Recommended: only ASCII characters. - Non-ASCII version of the brand can be added as an extra parameter. - Example: Adidas |
Price and availability
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
price | Required | Recommended | Definition: The standard price of the product before any discounts or promotions are applied. Specifications: - The decimal separator must be a period (.) with no thousands separator. - Limit: 14 - Type: Number - Sample Value: 19.99 |
sale_price | Recommended | Recommended | Definition: The final price of the product after applying a discount or promotional offer. Specifications: - Decimal separator must be a period (.) with no thousands separator. - Limit: 14 - Type: Number - Sample Value: 49.99 |
availability | Required | Recommended | Definition: The availability indicates if the product may be purchased on the site. You may populate availability with three possible values: preorder (item is not currently shipping and you are not accepting orders for this item), out of stock (item is not shipping and you are not accepting orders for this item), and in stock (item is shipping and orders may be placed for this item). Items marked as out of stock will be excluded from being shown on the banners.Specifications: - The availability must be populated with one of the following three values: preorder, out of stock, or in stock. - Limit: 25 - Type: String - Sample Value: in stock |
Product Category
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
product_type | Required Must match client architecture website to display relevant ads depending where you are | Required | Definition: The categorization of the product on your website. Specifications: - Only ASCII characters. - Must start with a letter or number. - Individual levels of a path must be separated by > or > in the XML file.- Multiple categories should be comma-separated. - Case sensitive : please ensure that you use proper casing to reflect what is shown on site.- Each path should be wrapped in single quotes ( ' ).- Must match your website architecture. - If multiple categories are passed: the first one must be the most relevant (main category for PDP recommendations). - Submit up to 10 categories .- Limit: Maximum of 10240 characters . The maximum length of an individual category node is 750 characters .- Type: String - Sample Value: 'Computing>Keyboards and Mice>Mice','Hardware>Input Device' |
product_type_key | Required | Required | Definition: The corresponding category IDs for the categories passed in the product_type field.Specifications: - These category IDs should match those shown on the site. - Limit: Maximum of 10240 characters . - The maximum length of an individual category node is 750 characters .- Type: String - Sample Value: '123>4567>89012','456>7890' |
google_product_category | Required Not using category1/2/3 | Recommended | Definition: Category level attributes indicate the category of the product being submitted, according to the Google product taxonomy. If your product can be linked to multiple categories, we only want the one that is the most relevant. Specifications: - Limit: 750 - We accept both IDs and full category path. - Case sensitive - Type: String - Sample Value: 2271 or Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses |
Product identifiers
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
mpn | Required (if no gtin is assigned) | Required (if no gtin is assigned) | Description: Manufacturer Part Number is a unique number issued by manufacturers to identify individual products.Specifications: - The MPN of a product is a series of numbers and letters. Required for all products without a GTIN assigned. Only provide an MPN if you are sure it is correct. When in doubt, do not provide an MPN.- Limit: 70 - Type: String - Sample Value: T49025028767898 |
gtin | Required (if no mpn is assigned) | Required (if no mpn is assigned) | Definition: Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique product identifier used to identify a product, a service, or an item in the global marketplace. A GTIN helps Criteo make your products easier for customers to find. Products submitted without a unique product identifier are difficult to categorize and may not be eligible for all of our features.Specifications: - The value must be an 8-, 12-, 13-, or 14-digit number (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN): - GTIN-8 (EAN/UCC-8) : this is an 8-digit number used predominately outside of North America.- GTIN-12 (UPC-A) : this is a 12-digit number used primarily in North America.- GTIN-13 (EAN/UCC-13) : this is a 13-digit number used predominately outside of North America.- GTIN-14 (EAN/UCC-14 or ITF-14) : this is a 14-digit number used to identify trade items at various packaging levels.- Limit: 50 - Type: String - Sample Value: 00012345678905 |
Detailed product description
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
item_group_id | Recommended To be able not to display variants of the product in the same ads. | Recommended | Definition: Use the same value for the item_group_id field to group all product variants. Product variants are similar products that differ from each other only in product details (sizes, color, material, pattern, age range, or gender). This relationship establishes that the products with the same item_group_id are variants (or child) of the parent product (item_group_id ). By using this field to group the products, you remove the risk of displaying duplicated products within the same banner.The id and item_group_id fields must be different. Use the id field to uniquely identify a single product and use item_group_id to group multiple products as variants.Please make sure to not mix up the item_group_id and id fields, The item_group_id must be chosen outside of the id range. If a product has the same id as an existing item_group_id or vice versa, the behavior is undefined and the updates on your products may be ignored.Specifications: - The item_group_id can only contain ASCII characters, and must not contain quotation marks.- Limit: 50 - Type: String - Not case sensitive - Example value: for Text feed (CSV/TSV): Ab1234 - Example value: for XML feed: \<g:item_group_id>Ab1234\</g:item_group_id> |
filters | Recommended if ads serving on a page with filtering capabilities | Recommended | Definition: Attributes that designate differences between products in the same category. This feature allows Criteo to return relevant products on filtered pages. Specifications: - Comma-separated, - Pipe | must be used as an “or” separator for multiple filter values,- Ensure that there are no ampersand characters (&) in the filter names or values as this will break the URL parsing when included in an ad request. - Type: String - Sample Value: 'Color=Red|Black, Size=S|M|L|XL, Screen size=21' |
product_rating | Recommended | Recommended | Definition: Product Rating enables the display of aggregated customer reviews on your product pages, showcasing a one-to five-star rating. This feature is available in Dynamic/Showcase and Meta Ads when the "Star Rating" or “Retailer” layout is selected. These ratings provide valuable insights for customers during their research and decision-making process, helping them make informed purchase choices. By offering this feature, you can attract more qualified shoppers to your product pages and enhance their overall shopping experience. Specifications: - Must start with a number or a letter. - Limit: 8 - Type: String - Sample Value: 1, 2, 3.50, 4, 4.92 , or 5 |
number_of_reviews | Recommended | N/A | Definition: number of reviews the product has received. Specifications: - Limit: 8 - Type: String - Sample Value: 215 |
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
seller_name | Required If the client is using private market and reselling a product for several sellers, the user needs to set isMarketplace field to true | Recommended | Definition: Name of the seller on the marketplace. Specifications: - Only required if you are a marketplace and are reselling a product for several sellers. - Limit: 200 - Type: String - Sample Value: Best Shoe Store |
seller_id | Required If the client is using private market and reselling a product for several sellers, the user needs to set isMarketplace field to true | Recommended | Definition: A unique identifier that represents a seller on your retailer site. Specifications: - Only required if you are a marketplace and are reselling a product for several sellers. - Limit: 200 - Type: String - Sample Value: seller123 |
Additional Attributes
Parameter name | Onsite | Offsite | Description |
regiondata | Required only if availability is store-based. | N/A | Definition: The store IDs where the product is available and its local prices. Specifications: - Comma-separated - It is possible to send the price object empty (i.e. {'123':{}, '456':{}} ) In this case, we will fallback to price as its value.- If the product is “out of stock” on the website across all stores, this field should contain {} (no stores).- Limit: 200 - Type: String - Sample Value: {'123':{'Price':'3.50'}, '456':{'Price':'4.29'}, '872':{'Price':'3.75'}, '958':{'Price':'5.00'}} |
custom_label_0 ,custom_label_1 ,custom_label_2 ,custom_label_3 ,custom_label_4 | Recommended | Recommended | Definition: Include additional custom details about the product, a useful field for sorting, filtering, or categorizing products within the feed Specifications: - Create up to 5 custom labels, named from custom_label_0 to custom_label_4. - Submit only one value for each custom label attribute. - Limit: 100 - Type: String - Sample Value: Best Seller |
Custom Parameters
Criteo allows the inclusion of custom parameters to enhance SKU representation on your site, aligning the appearance of SKUs with your organic tiles more closely.
These customizations ensure that the product tile rendered by Criteo match the native look and feel of your site.
Implementation details
JavaScript implementations
For JavaScript-based implementations, it is essential that all data necessary to display the product tile are included in the feed. This ensures that Criteo can effectively use the data on-site.
If your current feed does not include these fields, they should be added as new columns in the product feed file. This addition enables the dynamic rendering of product tiles that include custom attributes specific to your site's design and functional requirements.
API implementations
For retailers using API implementations where the retailer pulls data from their own systems based on product ID, there is no requirement to adjust the feed for custom parameters. The API method allows for more flexibility in fetching additional data as needed without altering the feed structure.
Examples of custom parameters in use
To better understand how custom parameters can be used, here are two visual examples:
Standard feed parameters
In this first example, all the data necessary for the product tile is already included as eligible parameters in the standard feed.
Custom feed parameters
In the second example, the highlighted information includes "custom" data not present in the standard feed. These would need to be added to the feed in additional fields to allow Criteo to utilize them for rendering.
These examples highlight the flexibility of Criteo's platform in accommodating various data requirements, ensuring that the product tiles seamlessly integrate with the existing user interface of your website.
Updated 4 days ago