OneTag for Offsite - Hybrid Apps
Addendum for Hybrid Apps
This guide is to be used in 2 different scenarios:
Hybrid app integration for offsite and onsite, already integrated through API
Hybrid app integration for offsite only.
This guide is an addendum. Please refer to this page for a more comprehensive documentation: OneTag for Retail Media Offsite.
About “hybrid apps”
"Hybrid apps" refer to any app wrapping and rendering web content (HTML/CSS/JS) from your website via web-view
components. Two examples of popular frameworks to implement such apps are React Native and Apache Cordova.
In this scenario, the Javascript tags (OneTag) implemented on your website will also be triggered when users navigate your app. However, to activate the monetization of your audience through the delivery of ads on the open web, it’s crucial that such events also collect the user’s advertising ID, i.e. the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) on iOS devices and the Google Advertising ID (GAID) on Android devices.
This guide documents how the IDFA and/or GAID can be passed into your existing implementation of OneTag.
Passing the advertising ID to OneTag
Step 1: Retrieve the advertising ID from the OS
The first step consists of getting the advertising ID from the OS into the JS layer inside the web view.
The retrieval of the advertising ID is contingent on the specific framework used for the app’s development.
If the app was developed without a framework, guidelines for obtaining the advertising ID can be found on the Android and iOS developer websites.
We will illustrate this with two examples in the following sections.
Web views (like UIWebView
, WKWebView
or SFSafariViewController
) are sandboxed, which means they don’t have access to app data, and vice versa. This means you can’t directly access the IDFA from JavaScript running in a web view.
To retrieve and pass the IDFA to your web view, you would need to do this from your app code.
Here’s a simple example of how you might do this in Swift:
import AdSupport
let idfaString = ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString
let javascript = "window.retrieved_idfa = '\(idfaString)';"
webView.evaluateJavaScript(javascript, completionHandler: nil)
In this example, ASIdentifierManager
is used to get the IDFA, and then a JavaScript string is created which sets a global retrieved_idfa
variable to the IDFA value. This JavaScript is then run in the webView
using the evaluateJavaScript
If the user has not granted permission to access the IDFA, then ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString
will return a string of zeros to respect their privacy. You can learn more about this on the Apple for Developer website.
Please note that this is a simplified example and might not cover all use cases or error handling. Adapt the code to your specific implementation.
Importantly, if the user has not provided consent via the cookie banner or has not granted permission to be tracked through the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompt, Onetag should not be called from within the web view.
Similarly to iOS, you cannot directly access the GAID from a web view in Android. However, you can retrieve it in the native Android code and then pass it to your web view.
Here’s a simple example of how you might do this in Kotlin:
val adInfo = AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(context)
val gaid = adInfo?.id
val javascript = "window.retrieved_gaid = '$gaid';"
webView.evaluateJavascript(javascript, null)
In this example, AdvertisingIdClient
is used to get the GAID, and then a JavaScript string is created which sets a global retrieved_gaid
variable to the GAID value. This JavaScript is then run in the webView
using the evaluateJavascript
If the user has not given permission to access the GAID (i.e. when isLimitAdTrackingEnabled()
returns true) then AdvertisingIdClient.Info.getId()
will return a string of zeros to respect their privacy (this applies to all the devices that support Google Play Services). You can learn more about this on the Android for Developers website.
Please note that this is a simplified example and might not cover all use cases or error handling. Adapt the code to your specific implementation.
Importantly, if the user has not provided consent via the cookie banner or has not granted permission to access the GAID, Onetag should not be called from within the web view.
Step 2: Pass the advertising ID to OneTag
Identify which page types are served via your app web view. The Tracker events fired on those pages will require an additional parameter to support the collection of the advertising ID.
The steps below details how to apply the needed changes and refer to the example code displayed at the end of the section.
Step 2.1.
- Assign the advertising ID retrieved in the previous step to one of the following variables:
- In the iOS app, the retrieved IDFA must be assigned to variable
variable should be set as an empty string). - In the Android app, the retrieved GAID must be assigned to variable
variable should be set as an empty string).
- In the iOS app, the retrieved IDFA must be assigned to variable
// Assign to these variables the advertising ID
// (IDFA for iOS / GAID for Android) retrieved from the OS
var idfa = "";
var gaid = "";
Step 2.2.
Copy and paste the code below after the initialization of the object window.criteo_q
// Pass the App identifiers to OneTag
if (typeof idfa !== "undefined" && idfa !== "") {
window.criteo_q.push({ event: "setAppleAdvertisingId", idfa: idfa });
} else if (typeof gaid !== "undefined" && gaid !== "") {
window.criteo_q.push({ event: "setGoogleAdvertisingId", gaid: gaid });
The code needs to be copied after this line:
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || \[];
This part doesn’t require any customization
Full example
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.criteo_q = window.criteo_q || [];
// Assign to these variables the advertising ID
// (IDFA for iOS / GAID for Android) retrieved from the OS
var idfa = "";
var gaid = "";
// Pass the App identifiers to OneTag
if (typeof idfa !== "undefined" && idfa !== "") {
window.criteo_q.push({ event: "setAppleAdvertisingId", idfa: idfa });
} else if (typeof gaid !== "undefined" && gaid !== "") {
window.criteo_q.push({ event: "setGoogleAdvertisingId", gaid: gaid });
{ event: "setAccount", account: "12345" },
{ event: "setRetailerVisitorId", id: "1a2b3c4e5d6f7g" },
{ event: "setCustomerID", id: "1234567890" },
{ event: "setEmail", email: "##SHA256-hashed Email Address of User##", hash_method: "sha256" },
{ event: "viewHome" }
// Other parameters as necessary
Updated 2 months ago