Log In


This page presents a breakdown of all the parameters needed for the API calls by common parameters (that can be used on all page calls) as well as by page type.

Common parameters

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
Account IDcriteo-partner-idYour Criteo Account ID, will be provided by your technical contact 

Ex: criteo-partner-id=102302
Retailer Visitor IDretailer-visitor-idUnauthenticated User ID, consistent across sessions

Ex: retailer-visitor-id=c9623-aaaa
Customer IDcustomer-idAfter logging in, whether there is a unique user ID
Can also log in with a different device or log-in with the same account on another browser/incognito.

Ex: customer-id=c9621-bbbb
EmailemailHash value of the user email address SHA256

Ex: 3786ae0aa4a0655c
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
Test callnologTo be used when the log of this call shouldn't be counted as a real page view. (used for our cached API response scenario)

Ex: nolog=1

Can be used on preprod accounts.
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
Item white listitem-whitelistA parameter to be used to return the specific products that are set in the call, only for sponsored products. To be used with the cached API response scenario or to use the recommendation engine.Only if discussed with your Criteo team
Region IDregionIdThe region IDs that are sent are accurate to the regions IDs that are shared in the daily feed.

If multiple region IDs are to be sent, then they need to be separated by the pipe symbol.

Ex: regionId=123-abc|456-def|789-ghi
Only if discussed with your Criteo team



You will find an example of test retailer here.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
viewHomepage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: viewHomeApi[Environment]
AMER: viewHome_API_[Environment]

Ex: viewHomeApiDesktop
viewHomeevent-typeWe are using the viewHome for the homepageYes

Category page


You will find an example of test retailer here.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
viewCategorypage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: viewCategoryApi[Enviornment]
AMER: viewCategory_API_[Environment]

Ex: viewCategoryApiDesktop
viewCategoryevent-typeWe are using the viewCategory for the browseYes
viewCategoryitemIDs of the organic products visible. These IDs need to match the product IDs provided in the feed. They will be used for deduplication in the ad response

Ex: item=123|456|789
viewCategoryparent-itemThe parent item ID of the organics products on the page, if the product has a parent ID.

Ex: 12345|NULL|NULL

This should only be used if parent/child SKUs have been set up.
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewCategorypage-numberThe current page-number.

Ex: page-number=2
viewCategorycategoryThe category path of the current category, either numerical or alphanumerical. The path provided in the tag needs to match "product_type_key" from the feed

Ex: category=1001
viewCategoryfiltersUsed to restrict the response to products which have a certain attribute with the exact value in the Feed

Ex: filters=(brand,eq,nike)
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewCategorylist-sizeThe total number of organic products that show on the page.

Ex: list-size=24

Search page


Here is an example of a test retailer.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
viewSearchResultpage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: viewSearchResultApi[Environment]
AMER: viewSearchResult_API_[Environment]

Ex: viewSearchResultApiDesktop
viewSearchResultevent-typeWe are using the viewSearchResult for the searchYes
viewSearchResultitemIDs of the organic products visible. These IDs need to match the product IDs provided in the feed. They will be used for deduplication in the ad response

Ex: item=123|456|789
viewSearchResultparent-itemThe parent item ID of the organics products on the page, if the product has a parent ID.

Ex: 12345|NULL|NULL

This should only be used if parent/child SKUs have been set up.
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewSearchResultpage-numberThe current page-number.

Ex: page-number=2
viewSearchResultkeywordsThe keyword which was entered by the user

Ex: keywords=shoes
viewSearchResultfiltersUsed to restrict the response to products which have a certain attribute with the exact value in the Feed

Ex: filters=(brand,eq,nike)
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewSearchResultlist-sizeThe total number of organic products that show on the page.

Ex: list-size=24

Product page


Here is an example of a test retailer.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
viewItempage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: viewItemApi[Environment]
AMER: viewItem_API_[Environment]

Ex: viewItemApiDesktop
viewItemevent-typeWe are using the viewItem for the searchYes
viewItemitemItem of the currently visited product. This ID needs to match with the ID provided in the feed

Ex: item=123
viewItemparent-itemParent Item of the currently visited product. This ID needs to match with the ID provided in the feed. We can only use this to update all the variants (child products)

Ex: parent-item=123
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewItempriceThe current price of the product. This price will be used to update the product price on criteo's side in real time

Ex: price=3.99
viewItemlist-priceCurrent non-discounted price / MSRP of the product.

Ex: list-price=5.99
viewItemavailabilityThe current availability of the product, 1 for "in-stock", 0 for "out of stock". This value will be used to update the in-stock value of the product on Criteo's side in real time

Ex: availability=1



You can find an example of a test retailer here.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
addToCartpage-idFor the page-id, you must use the ID of the page where the add-to-cart event took place. For example, if the user added a SKU to the cart directly from the product tile on a Search results page, the pageID for this call would be:
EMEA: viewSearchResultApi[Environment]
AMER: viewSearchResult_API_[Environment]

Ex: viewSearchResultApiDesktop
addToCartevent-typeWe are using the addToCart for the add to cart pageYes
addToCartitemArray of products in the basket, including SKUs that has to match the ID provided in the feed. 

Ex: item=123
addToCartparent-itemParent Item of the products currently in the users' basket. This ID needs to match with the ID provided in the feed. We can only use this to update all the variants (child products)

Ex: parent-item=123
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
addToCartpriceArray of products in the basket single unit price

Ex: price=3.99
addToCartquantityArray of quantity of each product in the basket

Ex: quantity=3
addToCartpage-uidUnique ID present at the bottom of the API call of the current page.

Ex: page-uid=1234567890

Basket page


You can find an example of a test retailer here.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
viewBasketpage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: viewBasketApi[Environment]
AMER: viewBasket_API_[Enviornment]

Ex: viewBasketApiDesktop
viewBasketevent-typeWe are using the viewBasket for the basketYes
viewBasketitemArray of products in the basket, including SKU that has to match the ID provided in the feed. 

Ex: item=123
viewBasketparent-itemParent Item of the products currently in the users' basket. This ID needs to match with the ID provided in the feed. We can only use this to update all the variants (child products)

Ex: parent-item=123
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
viewBasketpriceArray of products in the basket single unit price

Ex: price=3.99
viewBasketquantityArray of products in the basket overall quantity of the item

Ex: quantity=3

Order confirmation page


You can find an example of a test retailer here.

TitleNameTo CheckMandatory
trackTransactionpage-idThe page ID should follow the format of:
EMEA: trackTransactionApi[Environment]
AMER: trackTransaction_API_[Environment]

Ex: trackTransactionApiDesktop
trackTransactionevent-typeWe are using the trackTransaction for the order confirmationYes
trackTransactiontransaction-idUnique order / transaction ID

Ex: 51852389
trackTransactionitemArray of products bought by the user, including ID, single unit price and overall quantity of the item. The ID has to match the ID provided in the feed.

Ex: item=123|456|789
trackTransactionparent-itemParent Item of the currently visited product. This ID needs to match with the ID provided in the feed. We can only use this to update all the variants (child products)

Ex: parent-item=123|456|NULL
Only if discussed with your Criteo team
trackTransactionpriceArray of products in the basket single unit price

Ex: price=3.99|10.00|0.99
trackTransactionquantityArray of products in the basket overall quantity of the item

Ex: quantity=3|1|5
trackTransactioncurrencyThe local currency of the retailer should be added here

This should only be used if discussed with your Criteo team